WEll Sir, ſith it hath pleaſed our Lord JESUS CHRIST to reveale unto you many Myſteries contained in the Revelation of Saint John; I beſeech you be pleaſed to open ſome of them to me: and firſt I d•ſire to know what is meant by the foure Beaſts mentioned, Chap. 4.6.
The foure Beaſts are the foure Evangeliſts, as it is evident; in that the•aces which the Text ſaith thoſe foure Beaſts had, and the beginnings or〈…〉foure Evangeliſts Goſpels are alike; as for Exa…〈…〉
The Text ſaith the firſt Beaſt had a face like a man; ſo Mathew who firſt of all wrot, and that in Hebrew, begins his firſt face or leafe, at the genealogie of Chriſt, as he is Man.
The ſecond beaſt is ſaid to have a face like a Lyon: ſo Marke, who was the ſecond that wrote, begins his firſt face or leafe at the voyce, crying like a roaring Lyon in the Wilderneſſe, Prepare the way of the Lord.
The third Beaſt is ſaid to have a face like a Bullock; ſo Luke was the third that wrot, beginneth his firſt face or leafe at Zacharias, offering incenſe as it were a Bullock at the Altar.
The fourth Beaſt is ſaid to be like a flying Eagle; ſo John that wrot the fourth Evangell begins his firſt face at the high and divine eſſence of Chriſts God-head flying ſo high in his Stile, that he is compared to an Eagle.
Well Sir, you have ſatisfied me in this; wherefore in the next place, I pray tell me what is meant by the opening of the ſeven Seales mentioned Revel, 6.
The opening of every Seale muſt continue the ſpace of ſeaven years, and that becauſe of removing and gining ſeven yeares to every ſeale, you ſhall finde the effect of every Seale to bee performed within the ſeven yeares of that ſeale; and ſo the Harmony to be perfect betwixt thoſe Seales and the juſt Hiſtory.
And when did the firſt Seale begin to be opened?
This behooved onely to begin at that time that Chriſt was baptiſed and began to preach and open up the ſealed doctrine of our Salvation which was in the end of the 29th. yeare of the age of Chriſt, and about the beginning of his thirtieth yeare, as Luke teſtifieth.
Well then Sir, I pray you proceed to ſhew the harmony betwixt the Text and the Hiſtory, that ſo according to your ſaying, we may ſee the effect of every Seale to be performed within the ſpace of every ſeven yeares.
For the clearing of this, I pray take notice, that the preciſe time of the foure Evangeliſts writing, and the occaſion why they did write agreeth with the Hiſtory and time of the foure firſt Seales.
As for example, when the word of God paſſed out on the white horſe in the time of the firſt ſeale, betwixt the yeare of Chriſt 29. and 36. then ſaith the Text, one of the foure Beaſts ſaid come and ſee; that is Mathew the Apoſtle, who at that time wrot the firſt Evangell in Hebrew, exhibiting the ſame to be ſeene of the Iewes, expresſly for the converſion of them; and as the Text ſaith, he that ſate on the white horſe had a bow and a Crowne given him and he went forth conquering that he might overcome: even ſo at that time Chriſt by his doctrine, Miracles death and victory over death ſo touched and moved the hearts of all the faithfull; that ſodainly hee with his diſciples got the victory over all the world.
•he in the ſecond ſ•ale betwixt the yeare 36. and 43. the Text ſaith the ſecond Beaſt ſaid, Come and ſee, that is Marke the Apoſtle ſet out the ſecond Evangel to bee ſeene of all men, for the comfort of the afflicted Church; for as the Text ſaith, there was power given to him that ſate on the red horſe to take peace from the earth, and that they ſhould kill one another; ſo within the ſpace of theſe ſecond ſeven yeares Saint Sephen ſuffered Martyrdome for Chriſts ſake: and Iames the brother of John likewiſe was beheaded.
Then in the third ſeale betwixt the 43. and 50. yeare of Chriſt the third Beaſt ſaid, Come an ſee, and that was Luke whoſe Evangel came to light at that time, and as the Text makes mention of a Famine, even ſo was there one at that time, whereof Agabus prophecied, Acts 11. and Luke in his Booke of the Acts maketh mention. In this dearth the buſhell of Wheat was ſold for five times the accuſtomed price, and the buſhell of barly for three, as teſtifieth Suetonius, and Dion.
Then in the fourth ſeven yeares betwixt the yeare of Chriſt 50. and 57. the fourth Beaſt ſaid, Come and ſee; and that was the Apoſtle Iohn, who at that time wrot the fourth Evangelion; for as the Text ſaith, His name that ſate on the pale Horſe was death, and hell followed after him; even ſo at that time were there certaine Heretiques aroſe, as Cerinthus, Nicolaus and Ebion, who held deadly Hereſies againſt the Divinitie of Chriſt; whereupon in the time of theſe fourth ſeaven yeares John wrot the fourth Evangel, and publiſhed it, beginning at the deſcription of Chriſts Divinity, expreſly againſt thoſe Hereticks.
As you have ſhewed the effect of the foure former ſeven ſeales to be performed in the foure firſt ſeaven yeares; ſo I pray proceed to doe the like of the three latter.
Then in the fifth ſeaven yeares, even the yeare of Chriſt 57. (as the Text ſaith) there was ſeene under the Altar the ſoules of them that were killed for the word of God, and for the teſtimony which they maintained, even ſo in that very yeare aroſe the Tyrant Nero, on whoſe bloody ſeate, the blood of the Saints cryup to the heavens to God to revenge their blood.
Then in the ſixt ſeaven yeares as the Text ſaith, there was a great earth-quake, and the Sun was black as ſackcloth of haire, and the Moon was like blood; and even ſo after the yeare of Chriſt 64. a great change and defection came in all eſtates of the Roman Empire, for now Nero raiſed great perſecutions againſt the true ſpirituall Profeſſors, to have utterly darkned and extinguiſhed the light of the Goſpell; ſo that the true Church of God was forced to lurk in ſecret, for the revenge wherof, God moved the Kingdomes of France, Spaine, and Ile of Brittaine to Revolt from this Tyrant.
Then in the ſeaventh ſeaven yeares which was betwixt the yeare of Chriſt 70. and 77. the Text ſaith, At the opening of this ſeale, there was ſilence in heaven about halfe an hower; even ſo at that time Gods Church had peace a little while.
Well Sir, now in the next place tell me what you underſtand concerning the ſeven Trumpets mentioned in the eighth and 9. Chapter?
I underſtand thoſe ſeaven Trumpets mentioned in thoſe Chapters, and the ſeaven Vials mentioned in the 16. Chapter to be all one.
How doth that appeare?
It appeareth to bee ſo in that they are both of them the ſeaven laſt plagues, as alſo in that they agree in their principall termes, the ſecond Trumpet with the ſecond Viall, the third Trumpet with the third Viall, and ſo that thereby wee may aſſuredly conclude that both thoſe Trumpets, with thoſe Vials, and alſo the reſt of the Trumpets with the reſt of the Vials reſpective in purpoſe, meaning, time, and in all other circumſtances, to be one and the ſelfe ſame thing.
And when did the ſeaven Trumpets or ſeaven Vials begin?
The laſt of the ſeven ſeales, and the firſt of the ſeaven Trumpets or Vials begin both at once in An. 71.
How doth that appeare?
This appeareth evidently for even by the Text, Chap. 8. the ſeaventh Seale being opened that very hower the ſeaven Angels received their Trumpets to blow; for having ſaid in the firſt verſe, and when hee had opened the ſeaventh ſeale there was ſilence in Heaven about halfe on houre, he ſubjoyneth immediately, (verſe 2.) And I ſaw the ſeaven Angels, &c. receive their ſeaven trumpets: and further, after he hath ſhewed verſe 5. how Chriſt powred out the fiery coales of his wrath in revenge of the blood of his Saints, which doubtleſſe was upon Ieruſalem which ſhed it, incontinent he ſubjoyneth verſe 6, and 7. that then the ſeaven Angels prepared themſelves to blow, and the firſt blew his Trumpet, &c, ſo therefore juſtly at this deſtruction of Ieruſalem in Anno Chriſti 71. make we both the laſt Seale and the firſt Trumpet or Viall to begin.
And how many yeares doth every Trumpet or Viall containe?
Every Trumpet or Viall containeth the ſpace of 245. yeares, which is the juſt ſpace of 5. Jubilees, and that this 71. yeare of Chriſt, and conſequently the firſt yeare of every the other Trumpet or Viall was Jubilee, you may conſider by the diſcourſe of Joſephus Scaliger de emendat temporum.
But Sir, I pray tell me what you conceive theſe ſeaven Trumpets or ſeaven Vials doe ſignifie?
I doe conceive them to ſignifie the ſeaven Ages that were then to come to the worlds end; and I am the more confirmed to believe they do ſo, for that I find in Hiſtories that great mutations of Empires fol owed the end of theſe 245. yeares one after another, as for example: In the yeare of Chriſt 71. Jeruſalem was deſtroyed by Titus and Veſpaſian: this was the yeare that Jeſus Chriſt procured the revenge of his blood and the blood of his Saints upon the Synagogue of the Iewes.
Secondly, 245. yeares after, which was in the yeare 316. Conſtantine the Emperour of Rome tranſported the Imperiall Seat from Rome to Conſtantinople, and in Rome Pope Silveſter began the Papiſticall Kingdome, and Italy was left as a prey to the Goths and Vandals who deſtroyed Rome and ſubdued all Italy, ſlaying and ſpoyling great and ſmall, even every third man.
Thirdly, 245. yeares after, that is, in Anno 561. or therabouts, Totila King of Goths burned Rome and uſurped the Dominion thereof.
Fourthly, 245. yeares after, that is in Anno 806. Charlemaigne received the new Empire of Germanes and Romanes.
Fiftly, 245. yeares after, that is in Anno 1051. Zadok began the firſt dominion of the Turkes.
Sixthly, 245. yeares after, that is in the yeare 1246. Otoman began the firſt Empire of the foure Nations Mahometans.
7. Laſtly, 245. yeares after, that is in the yeare 1541. aroſe our true Profeſſors againſt the Kingdome of Antichriſt; ſo then for concluſion you ſee that every Trumpet or Viall endureth 245. yeares.
Then Sir, it ſeemeth by this account that this ſeaventh Trumpet or Viall which we are now under, is not to end till the yeare of Chriſt 1786. ſhall the world continue ſo long thinke you?
No, I doe not think that the World ſhall continue ſo long, becauſe it is ſaid, Math. 24.22. that for the Elects ſake the time ſhall be ſhortened.
How long doe you thinke the World ſhall continue; or can you conjecture when the day of Judgement ſhall be?
Although it bee ſaid in Mark 13.32. that the day or Judgement and houre therof none doth know but the Father onely; yet let none be ſo baſe of judgement as to conclude thereby, that the yeare or age thereof is unknowne to Chriſt, or unable to be knowne any wayes to his ſervants; wherefore I tell you it appeares to me that betwixt the yeare of Chriſt 1688. and 1700. the ſaid latter day ſhall fall.
I pray ▪ Sir let me heare your grounds for this your conjecture.
In the 14. of the Revelation there is mention made of ſeaven Angels, which are all one with the ſeaven Thunders mentioned in the 10 Chapter; and every one of the firſt three thundring Angels (as I may call them) containe a Jubilee, and then the foure laſt all at once compleateth the day of Judgement, by which it appeares to me that the day of Judgement ſhall fall about that time.
But I pray you Sir ſpeake more particularly of theſe things, and firſt ſhew how it appeares that the ſeaven Angels and the ſeaven thunders are all one.
If wee doe but confer the tokens or the ſeaven Angels with the tokens of the ſeaven thunders, we ſhall find them to agree; for firſt in Ch. 10. at the comming in of the 7. thunders Chriſt doth offer the open book of his truth; ſo Ch. 14. the firſt of the 7. Angels bringeth the everlaſting Goſpel, and openly preacheth out the ſame. Secondly in Ch. 10. Chriſt by the mighty voyce of his Word as a roaring Lyon in the mouthes of his Preachers proclaimed the truth, then came the 7. thunders: ſo alſo Ch. 14. the voyce of Gods heavenly Elect is here as a mighty ſouund of Waters, and as thunder; then came the ſeaven Angels; ſo that you ſee in reſpect of the harmony betwixt them wee may conclude them both to be one.
Well Sir, and how doth it appeare that every one of the firſt 3. thundring Angels containe a Jubilee?
After the Cuſtome both of the Levits and Prophets, who divide all great dates by Iubilees, and ſmall dates by weeks of yeares, wee judge moſt apparantly this laſt Age to bee divided by Iubilees, and ſo every thunder or Angel of theſe 3. that are ſaid in the Text Ch. 14. v. 6.8.9. to pretend Gods great Harveſt to containe a Iubilee, which is 49. yeares.
And how doth it appeare that the foure laſt thundring Angels all at once compleateth the day of Iudgement?
In the 14. Chapter, verſe 14. and 16. it is ſaid that the fourth thundring Angel which is Chriſt himſelfe, enters actually into his great Harveſt, to gather up his Elect at the warning of the fifth Angel, even Gods holy ſpirit ver. 15. like as contrarily the ſixt thundring Angel executor of Gods fierce wrath, mentioned verſ. 17. and 19. is admoniſhed and warned by the ſeventh Angel commander thereof to cut downe, and〈…〉the Vines of the earth in the winepreſſe of Gods〈◊〉and ſo by theſe foure laſt Angels or Thunders,〈…〉Chriſt himſelf and by his whole miniſtring Angel•〈◊〉the figure of theſe laſt Angels, all the〈…〉of Gods harveſt and latter Iudgement is accompliſ•••.
And when did the firſt of the three firſt〈◊〉Iubile begin?
Even as I ſaid, before the laſt of the ſeven ſ…and the firſt of the ſeven Trumpets began both at once in the yeare of Chriſt 71. ſo in like manner the laſt of the ſeven Trumpets, and the firſt of the ſeven thunders began both at once, in the yeare of Chriſt, 1541.
What moves you to think it beginneth that yeare?
In the 11. Ch. v. 15. it is ſaid, that at the blaſt of the 7th. Trumpet, the Kingdome of the World becommeth Chriſt his Kingdome, that is then the Kingdome of Antichriſt & all other prophane Kingdoms ſhall fall, and Chriſt his Kingdom ſhall be ſpred and inlarged over all; and this can no other way come to paſſe, then by the preaching of the Evangel, which was of new opened up and preached at the comming of the firſt Angel, whom the Text ſaith to have an everlaſting Goſpel to preach unto them that dwell upon the earth, which Angel, as I ſaid before, is manifeſt to be the firſt of the ſeven thunders; therfore it followeth conſequently that the new reſtoring of the Evangell, the ſeventh trumpet or Viall, and the firſt thunder, or thundring Angel come all at once even in Anno Chriſti, 1541. About which yeare God ſtirred up openly his firſt Miniſters and ſervants, Luther, Calvin, Melancthon and others, ver. 6.7. to preach out during all this Iubile, the perfect verity of the Goſpel publikely, which before was hid and obſcured under the Antichriſtian Reigne; ſo that now the true Church lurketh no more, but Gods truth to all the world is made apparant by theſe Miniſters teaching them according to the Text, to feare God onely, and leaving all other ſuperſtitious worſhipping to give glory onely unto him.
And when did this firſt of theſe 3. Iubiles end.
If you reckon, you ſhall eaſily find that it ended in Ann. Chriſti. 1590. And then came the ſecond of the ſeven thundring Angels,ver. 8. declaring even preſently the horrible fall and decay to become of that figurative Babylon, and great Antichriſtian City, about which time, to wit, the end of the firſt Iubile, and beginning of the ſecond, God hath ſhewed marvellous indices that the Empire of Rome and Papiſticall Kingdome ſhall ſhortly fall, the Antichriſtian and Spaniſh Fleet is deſtroy'd, the late King of France, Duke of Guize and his Brother, Papiſts and Committers of the Pariſian Maſſacre, all murthered by other, a Proteſtant now made King of France; ſo that before the end of this Iubile (God willing) Rome and the whole Papiſticall Kingdome thereof ſhall be ruined.
And what yeare ſhall this ſecond Iubile end?
In the yeare, 1639.
And what followes upon that?
After that comes the third Iubile, or the third thundring and threatning Meſſengers openly and loudly threatning, that if any be now that doe worſhip or reverence that Antichriſtian Empire, or that receive the old ſuperſtitious marks thereof on their foreheads or on their hands, the ſame ſhall drinke of Gods wrath; ſo that in this third Jubile the Miniſters and Meſſengers of God ſhall (God-willing) have only the latter dregs of that Romiſh ſeat ▪ to admoniſh and threaten by open intimation, that if any be in whoſe hearts the reverence of that ruined Empire, or if any now be marked with Chriſme or Croſſe on hand or head, he ſhall be tormented eternally in the fire of Hell.
Well Sir, now I ſee plainely that if we add to 1639. 49. yeares, then according to your account the day of Iudgement appears to fall about 1688. I had not thought it could have bin ſo plainly proved by Scripture.
I doe aſſure my ſelfe that all the propheſies of the latter day ſhall be knowne, and manifeſted to Gods Church before Chriſt come to Iudgement, and if we doe conferre all propheſies and propheticall figures thereof together, wee ſhall find them come ſo neere to that time that verily the matter is wonderfull.
I pray Sir proceed on to doe it.
Firſt as touching the Cimball of the Saboth, it is thought by the moſt learned, that the ſix dayes of labour weekly obſerved, doth meane and beare the ſimball of 6000. yeares, that mankind ſhall endure the travells and cares of this world, and that is confirmed by Peter, who ſpeaking of the day of Iudgement, noteth that a thouſand yeares ſhall bee as one day in Gods ſight, and a day as a thouſand yeares, and ſo conſequently the ſixe dayes of worke to repreſent ſixe thouſand yeares, after the which ſixe thouſand yeares, of worldly cares and travells, then ſhall come our eternall Saboth and reſt in the glory of Heaven, ſignified by the ſeaventh dayes reſt, for that truely there is no inſtitution apointed by God to Moſes, which beſides the civell commodity had not alſo a ſpirituall figure, and ſure it is that no figure agreeth more conſonant with theſe ſixe dayes of work, and ſeventh day of reſt then the preſent miſeries of this world, and eternall Saboth hereafter: ſecondly agreeable to the former, there is a ſentence of the houſe of Elias, reſerved in all Ages bearing theſe words, the world ſhall ſtand ſixe thouſand yeares, and then it ſhall be conſumed with fire, two thouſand yeares voyd or without Law, two thouſand yeares under the Law, and two thouſand yeares ſhall be the dayes of the Meſsias, and for our offences which ſhall be manyand great, ſhall theſe yeares lacke which ſhall lack, thus farre ſaith Elias; Now the terme of theſe ſixe thouſand yeares, doth expire about the 2000. yeare of Chriſt, which terme both by the ſaid ſaying of Elias, and by Chriſts owne ſaying in Mathew appeareth to be ſhortned, and therefore thirdly by Daniell wee ſhall aproach neerer that terme, for he in his 12. chap. intreating both of the firſt Reſurrection, which is the Reſurrection from the Antichriſtian errours, and of the ſecond Reſurrection which is the generall reſurrection from the dead, ſuch an Angell as afterward appeareth to Iohn, Rev. 10. teaching him concerning the latter day, doth here apeare to Daniel, ſwearing ſolemly a terme of propheticall dayes to every one of thoſe queſtions doubled of by the Prophet of which the greateſt terme is expreſſed to be 1335 propheticall dayes, which are ſo many yeares, whoſe beginnings are determined in theſe words, and〈◊〉the time that•he daily ſacrifice ſhall ceaſe, and the Abomination pu•to deſolation or made deſolate, ſhall be 1290 dayes, bleſſed is he that awaiteth and abideth to the 1335. day, as if he would ſay, from that time that both the Iewiſh dayly ſacrifice ſhall utter•y ceaſe, and the abominable rites of the Gentiles bee aboliſh d to the compleating of the great reſurrection from the Antichriſtian errours, and utter decay of his Kingdome ſhall be 1290. yeares, and then bleſſed ſhall hee bee that abideth and remaineth conſtant in the ſmall•ime, tha•ſhall bee betwixt that and the latter day, which ſhall fall in the 1335. yeare from the taking away of the ſaid Iewiſh Ceremonies, and Gentil•s ſu•…erſti•ions, but ſo it is that theſe were neither actu•lly taken away by•hriſts Paſſion, neither in the deſtruction of Ieruſalem, nor otherwaies till miraculouſly in the dayes of Julian the Apoſtate. Anno Chriſti 365. This Apoſtate having in deſpite of Chriſt ordained the Jewes to build up, and repaire their Temple of Ieruſalem on the one part, and on the other part having ſent his Legats to offer ſacrifice in the chiefe Ethnick Temple of the Gentiles in Delphos, and to conſult with that Oracle of Apollo there, God ſent his Thunder from above, and Earth-quake from beneath, and thereby overwhelmed both thoſe chiefe Temples about one time ſo utterly, that to this day all the Iewiſh daily ſacrifice of the one, and the abominable Ethnick ſuperſtitions of the other have ceaſed, and beene put to utter confuſion and deſolation, but if after the opinion of ſome learned men, this Text doth meane in the Originall Hebrew, not the abomination, to be put in deſolation, but contrarily a deſolating and waſting Abomination, to bee ſet up together alſo with the taking away the former, and foreſaid daily ſacrifice in this caſe apearing by the ſame date is not the leſſe eſtabliſhed, for who was a more horrible and waſting Abomination then was the aforeſaid Iulian that bloud-thirſty Apoſtate, together with his deteſtable Idolatrous Magicall decrees, which publickly he acted and ſet up, to bring Chriſtianiſme to utter deſolation: ſo that howſoever this abomination be expounded, either paſſively to bee made deſolate as the Gentiles cheefe abominable, and Idolatrous Oracle of Apollo at that time was made deſolate, or actively, that the abomination ſhould make a waſting or deſolation, and that that waſting Abomination ſhould be then erected, as the abominable Tyrant and Apoſtate Iulian was promoted Emperour, and his cruell decrees of perſecution at that time ſet out, even alwaies in that very ſame yeare, 365. all the foreſaid Accidents occurred, for in that one yeare, both firſt the foundations of the Iewiſh Temple of daily ſacrifice, as ſecondly (in the paſſive ſenſe) the ſaid Temple of the Ethnicks Abominations in Delphos were by Thunder and Earthquake both deſtroyed, as thirdly in the Active ſence, that abominable Iulian and his decrees, for deſolating and devouring Gods ſervants, were then ſet up; Therefore from this yeare of Chriſt, 365. wee are commanded to reckon 1335. yeares, which falls in Anno 1700. And then ſaith Daniel, verſe the 6. ſhall be the end of all wonders, even the wondrous and great day of the Lord, but yet as this propheſie doth abridge the aforeſaid propheſie of Elias, ſo alſo Chriſts foreſaid ſaying in Matthew that came after this propheſie, doth apparantly abridge ſomewhat of this time, therefore as men ſaid before, every thundering Angell of three contained 49. yeares and then comes the great day of the Lord, and we proved that the firſt thundering Angell began in Anno 1541. to which add thrice 49. years, which is 147. yeares, and ſo by that account the latter day will fall in Anno 1688. wherfore appearingly betwixt this 1688. according to the Revelation, and the 1700. yeare according to Daniel, the ſaid latter day ſhould fall, and for further confirmation thereof, there is a number put in the end of the 14. Chapter of the Revelation, which appeares to be a date of the latter day, for that Chapter altogether ſpeaks of the Lords great harveſt and latter Iudgement, there ſaith Iohn the blood came out of the Winepreſſe unto the horſe bridles, by the ſpace of 1600. ſtades or courſes, as if appearingly he would meane Metaphorically, as Wine may bee thought to flow from the Preſſe, or the bloud of ſlaine men in a Field to aſcend to the horſe bridles; ſo eternally ſhall the torment of the wicked aſcend after that a thouſand and ſixe hundred yeares bee accompliſhed, for theſe ſtades agree well to meane yeares, ſeeing a ſtade is that Race or courſe, that one may bee thought to run with one breath, before he begin to renew his breath again•, as one yeare is that race or courſe, that the Sunne maketh in a circuit, before he begin to renew his circuit againe, now counting therefore a thouſand and ſixe hundred yeares, from the time that this was written, which was about the 97. yeare of Chriſt, as Euſebius in his Chronicle ſaith, or in the end of the reigne of Domitian as Freneus ſaith, which was in Anno Chriſti 199. the end of the account ſhall fall about the year of Chriſt 1697. or the yeare 1699. which is betwixt the ſaid terme 1688. and 1700. and ſo the difference of theſe dates is but ſmall, and if the time of Hiſtories were ſurely written, and obſerved, it may be thought that the difference would be either leſſe, or utterly nothing at all.
Well Sir, you have fully ſatisfied me concerning this point, as alſo concerning the ruine of Antichriſt, yet one thing more I deſire to be further ſatisfied in before we part, and that is, how it is manifeſt that the Pope is that Antichriſt ſpoken of in Scripture.
That is manifeſt firſt, in that all the notes and tokens of Antichriſt given us by the Scriptures, are moſt evident properties of the Pope, ſecondly by the notable contrarieties betweene Chriſt and the Pope.
Firſt then I pray you, ſhew how the notes of Antichriſt in Scripture, and properties of the Pope agree together?
Firſt the Apoſtle ſaith, 2 Theſſ. 2. Antichriſt muſt be the head of that Apoſtacie, or falling away from the truth, and it is well knowne, that Chryſoſtome, Auguſtine, Theodoret, Theophalect, and Oecumenius, by that Apoſtacy underſtand Antichriſt, yea Bellarmine himſelfe affirmeth that by Apoſtacie in that place, Antichriſt himſelfe may be fitly underſtood.
Secondly the ſame Apoſtle in the ſame place ſaith that Antichriſt ſhall exalt himſelfe againſt all that is called God, and ſo doth the Pope ſtile himſelfe God, and cauſeth Emperors and Kings to kiſſe his feet; yet Pope Alexander the third trode with his feet upon the head of Frederick Barbaroſſa.
Thirdly, in the ſame Chapter it is ſaid, that Antichriſt shall come with all deceivableneſſe of unrighteouſneſſe, therefore Antichriſtianiſme is called the Myſtery of iniquity; ſo that the impietie of Antichriſt is myſticall, cloaked under the name of godlineſſe; and as in the Popes Myter was wont; ſo alſo in the whore of Babylons forehead is written a Myſtery, Rev. 17.5. oppugning Chriſt and his truth, under the outward shew and profeſſion of Chriſtian Religion, he muſt be called moſt holy when indeed he is moſt wicked, he cals himſelfe the ſervant of ſervants, when in truth hee makes himſelfe the King of Kings.
Fourthly, it is ſaid 1 Tim 4.3. that the Antichriſt ſpeaking lies through hypocriſie ſhall forbid to marry, and ſhall command abſtinence from certaine meats: and ſo doth the Pope under hypocriſie and lying pretext of chaſtitie and abſtinence forbid all his Clergie to marry and to eat fleſh in Lent, or on Fridayes.
Fifthly, it is ſaid 2 Pet. 2. that Antichriſt ſhall denie the Lord that bought them, and through covetouſneſſe ſhall with faigned words make merchandiz•of Chriſtians, yea and ſhall ſell their ſoules, as it is ſaid Revel. 18.13. ſo hath the Popes Clergie brought in Pardons and Indulgences whereby they promiſe remiſſion of ſinnes and the Kingdome of Heaven privily and in effect therby denying Chriſt to be their onely Redeemer, and ſo have they through covetouſneſſe under faigned pretext of Religion made merchandize of poore Chriſtians, ſelling by ſuch divellish wayes even their ſoules to the Divell.
Sixthly, the Antichriſts comming, ſaith Paul, is by the comming of Sathan, with all power and ſignes, and lying wonders in all deceivableneſſe. So hath the Pope advanced his credit in deceiving the ſimple ſort by his faigned fables, and alleadged Miracles of the Legendary, and by ſuch juglings as they uſe; and no marvell, when as Platina and others affirme 22. Popes came to the Popedome being abominable Necromancers. And thus have I ſhewed you how the notes of Antichriſt in Scripture, and properties of the Pope doe agree together.
I pray likewiſe shew the contrarieties betwixt Chriſt and the Pope.
Firſt Chriſt came ſo ſoberly and meekly that he would not have broken a bruiſed Reed, but the Pope came proudly overwhelming the moſt mighty Empires, hee changed the Kingdome of France from Chilperick the lawfull King to Pipin the Popes Confederate.
Secondly, Chriſt would not worship the Divell to gaine all the Kingdomes of the world; but 22. Popes bound themſelves ſlaves to the Divell for ever to bee made Popes, as teſtifieth Platina and other unſuſpected Writers.
Thirdly, CHRIST caſt the Merchandize out of the Temple: But the Pope eſtabliſheth the Merchandize in the Temple to ſell his Pardons, Maſſes and Indulgences.
Fourthly, Chriſt waſhed his poore Diſciples feet; but the Pope maketh the moſt mightie Emperours to kiſſe his feete.
Fifthly, Chriſt honoured Marriage at Cana in Galile, had ſome married Apoſtles, and commanded them to marry that could not live chaſt; but the Pope forbiddeth his Clergie to marry though they were never ſo filthy Whoremongers.
Sixthly, Chriſt forbiddeth Whordome: But the Popes were ſeven of them Whore-Mungers, and erecters of Brothel houſes, and Pope Joane was a Whore, and died with child in open Proceſſion; and theſe are named in their owne Hiſtories.
Seaventhly, Chriſt paid Tribute to Caeſar; But the Pope bereft the Emperour both of Lands and Tributes within Italy.
Eighthly, Chriſt had not ſo much money of his owne as to pay his Tribute: But the Popes propriety is ſaid to bee eighteene thouſand Duckets every day. And Pope John of Anjou left in ſtore 25. Millions of gold.
9. Chriſt miſliketh the obſerving of dayes, moneths, and yeares: But the Pope commandeth to obſerve his Feſtivals and Holidayes.
Tenthly, Chriſt is the onely Mediator betwixt God and Man: But the Pope makes and canoniſeth his Saints whom he cals Mediators betwixt God and us.
Eleventhly, Chriſt had not whereon to repoſe or reſt his head: But the Pope hath ſtore of Townes, Caſtles, and Princely Pallaces.
Twelfthly, Chriſt forbids much babbling and vaine repetitions in our Prayers: But the Pope commandeth to repeat over your Prayers, and to ſay five Pater Noſters, and five Ave Mar•a's.
Thirteenthly, Chriſt teacheth a Religion wholly in ſpirit, and void of all externall Ceremonies, except his two Sacramentall Seales: But the Pope hath conſtituted a Religion conſiſting wholly in bodily Rites,•nd full of externall Superſtitions.
Fourteenthly, Chriſt was crowned with a Crowne of Thornes: But the Pope is crowned with a threefold imperiall Crowne.
Fifteenthly, to conclude, Chriſt ſhed his blood once, that we might reigne ſpiritually: But the Pope ſheds our blood dayly, that he might reigne temporally.
There be ſome other things which I could deſire to be reſolved in; but at this preſent time will not permit: and therefore giving you many thankes for what you have done, I take my leave of you for this time.
The Lord be with you.