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A PERFECT CATALOGUE OF ALL THE KNIGHTS OF THE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER. From the firſt Inſtitution of it, until this preſent April, Anno 1661. Whereunto is prefixed A ſhort Diſcourſe touching the Inſtitution of the Order, the Patron, Habit and Solemnities of it, with many other Particulars which concern the ſame.

Collected and continued by J. N.

LONDON: Printed for Anne Seile, over againſt St. Dunſtans Church in Fleet-ſtreet, 1661.


REader, I here preſent thee with a perfect Catalogue of the Knights of the Garter, from the firſt Inſtitution of that fa­mous Order till this preſent April, Anno 1661. which I conceive will neither prove unpleaſing nor unſeaſonable in this Conjuncture, conſidering that the ſolemn Inſtallation of ſo many of Saint George's Knights (the greateſt that was ever known ſince the firſt founding of the Order by King Edw. 3.) makes up a principal part of the Diſcourſe of this preſent time.

But then I am withall to tell thee, that in this piece I can call nothing mine without great preſumption, but my de­ſire to do thee ſervice; all the materials of it being lent me by an abler hand: From whoſe laborious Work upon this Subject, and ſome additional helps which were ſince brought in, I have collected whatſoever is now laid before thee. And yet I cannot fear that either Felony or Petitlarſony will be laid to my charge; or if it be, I ſhall preſume upon the Co­ronation pardon, which is now at hand, in caſe I ſhould not meet with thine. And ſo Fare thee well.


A Perfect Catalogue of all the KNIGHTS of the most Noble Order of the GARTER.

IT hath been held good policy in the greateſt Princes to ſet apart ſome perſons of re­rown and vertue from the reſt of the ſub­jects, and to unite them in a body amongſt themſelves. Amongſt which we may reckon Davids mighty men, mentioned in the ſecond of Samuel Chap. 23. thirty in number, as appeareth by the 13. ver. of that Chap. compared with Chron. 1. Chap. 27. v. 6. Some of whoſe names are regiſtred, and their chief acts (eſpecially their ſignall ſervices againſt the Philiſtines) re­corded by the ſacred Pen-men. Of which ſort alſo were King Arthur's Knights of the Round-table, men of moſt eminent note in his long. War againſt the Saxons: And the twelve Peers of France ordained by Charlemaine, for their great valour manifeſted againſt the Saraſens; whoſe acts were ſo much memoriezd by ſome old Romancers. Upon this ground the Templers and Hoſpitalers were firſt inſtituted by the Eaſtern Chriſtians, in order to the preſer­vation of Ieruſalem, and the Holy-Land, from the power of the Infidels; As were the Knights of Alcantara, Calatra­va, &c. by the Kings of Spain for the defence of their Dominions againſt the Moores.

2. But of all Orders purely Military, there is not any now remaining in the Chriſtian World, either more ancient or more honourable, then the moſt noble Order of S. George, which we call the Garter; Firſt, inſtituted by King2 Edw. the 3. anno 1350. which was 59. yeares before the inſtituting of the French Order of St. Michael by King Lewis the XI. 229. years before the firſt deviſing of the new Order of the Holy-Ghoſt, by King Henry the 3. full 80. years before the inſtitution of the Burgundian Order of the Golden ſleece, by Duke Philip the Good; and about 209. years before the Order of the Knights of the Elephant was firſt excogitated by the Kings of Denmark. Which gives it clearly the precedence before other Or­ders in the point of Antiquity. And yet it is eſteemed as honourable as it hath been Ancient, there having been more Emperours, Kings and Forraign Princes of this one Order of the Garter, then of all others in a manner in the Chriſtian World. Which honour it obtained by be­ing kept preciſely to its primitive number, never exceed­ing 26. ſince the firſt originall; whereas all others of this kind have been ſo far communicated unto all pretenders, that at the laſt they loſt their Luſtre, and thereupon be­came leſſe eſtimable in the eye of the world. But more particularly, there have been honoured with this Order 8. Emperours of Germany, 5. Kings of the French, 3. Kings of Spain, beſides Charles the Emperour; 7. Kings and Princes of the houſe of Portugall, 2. Kings of the Scots, 4. Kings of Denmark, 3. Kings of Naples, 1, of Poland, and one of Sweden, 1. Duke of Millaine, 1. of Ferrara, 2. of Urbine, 7. Count Palatines of the Rhene, whereof 2. Ele­ctors, 1 Marqueſs & Elector of Brandinburgh, 2. Dukes of Beunſwick, 2. Dukes of Holſt, 1. Duke of wettenberge, one Duke of Guelders, and one Duke of Holland, one Duke of Savoy, one Duke of Uſetagne, 4. Princes of Orange, two Dukes of Montmorency, one Duke of Chevereuſe, one Duke of Eſpernon, and one Prince of Serranti, beſides many other forraigners of great name and note.


3. Now in this Order there are theſe particulars to be conſidered, firſt, the occaſion of the inſtitution, ſecondly, the Saint by whoſe name it was at firſt intituled, thirdly, the Habit and Solemnities which belong unto it, fourth­ly, the manner of their ſitting in their ſtalls at Windſor, and fifthly, the Succeſſion of thoſe eminent perſons who have been Dignified therewith, from the firſt inſtitution of it till this preſent time. And firſt as touching the occaſion of it, it was briefly this. King Edward the 3. having in­gaged himſelf in a War with France, for the obtaining of that Crown which deſcended on him (as it was then ſup­poſed) in the right of his Mother; conceived it neceſ­ſary to allure unto his party all ſuch gallant Spirits as were inamored of Bellona. And to the end erected a Round-Table in the Caſtle of Windſor, in imitation of King Ar­thurs before remembred, where they were entertained with Tilts and Tournaments, Magnificent Feaſts, and other Princely ways to unite them together. But Philip de Va-Loyce, who was then actually in poſſeſſion of the Crown of France, mined with him, and ſo undermined him; by erecting a like Table in his Court whereſoever it was, and drawing to it many of King Edwards Knights, who were at liberty to go where they found beſt welcome. So that being diſappointed in this project, he finds out another, ſuch as might be more faſt and binding then the other was; and ſo to faſten and unite his party, as to aſſure himſelf that they ſhould not flit from him as they had done formerly, upon the hopes of a more liberall en­tertainment. And to this purpoſe he ordained this He­roick Order, conſiſting of ſix and twenty perſons of moſt eminent note, of which himſelf and his Succeſſors Kings of England were to be the Soveraigns; all of them men of choice endowments, of great renown in Martiall Chi­valry,4 and ſuch as ſhould be bound both by Oath and Honour to adhere unto him.

4. To each of theſe he gave a Garter, richly wrought, to be continually worn, and faſtned about the left leg with a Buckle of Gold; from whence they were called Knights of the Garter in the times ſucceeding. But why he gave the Garter for their Badge or Enſign, is not well agreed on. Some have conceived as Cambden tells us, that from his own Garter, given forth as a ſignall of a Battle that ſped fortunately, he called his Order of the Garter: Speed otherwiſe, for that in a Battle where­in he was Victorious, he had given the word Garter for his Signall and Selden, that the Garter was uſed for ſome ſucceſſefull Symbole before his ſucceſſefull Bat­tle, (perhaps he meaneth that of Crecie.) Polydore Virgil, far more wide then all the reſt, will have it take Denom nation from a Garter of the Counteſſe of Sa­lisburies; which falling from her in a Dance was took up by the King, who is ſuppoſed to have been for­merly enamored of her. But this is proved to be a vain and idle Romance, Derogatory to the Honour of the Founder and the Author both. More rightly the Black-Book of windſor, (which is more juſtly to be credited in this particular) in which it is affirmed that the Garter was given to the Knights of this Order in teſtimony of that Bond of Love and affection where-with the Knights and Fellowes of it were to be bound ſeverally unto one another, and all of them joyntly to the King as the Soveraign of it; the habit being ſo fitted to the Kings deſign, Ut omnia ad amicitiam & conordiam ten­dere nemo non intelligat; that all men might perceive how much it tended to the preſervation of true Chriſtian concord, and increaſe of friendſhip.


5. The Order being thus reſolved on, the King reſol­ved alſo to intitle it by the name of St. George, who being a man of great poſſeſſions and renown for Chivalry, had ſuffered Martyrdom in the furious times of Diocleſian; affirmed in general by all Writers to be a Native of the Province of Capadocia, ſuppoſed by ſome to have been Martyred in Nicomedia, the principal ſeat at that time of the Eaſtern Empire: by others at Dioſprilia or Liddea in the Land of Paleſtine, where he is ſaid to be interred: on both accounts of great eſteem in the Eaſtern Countries. From whence his fame came into England by ſuch noble Adventurers, as had imployed themſelves in the Wars of the Holy Land; eſpecially by King Richard the Firſt, and King Edward the Firſt, who looked upon him as the Tutilary Saint or Patron, of all Martial men, according to the common Error of thoſe darker times; which being imbraced by this great King amongſt the reſt, he was re­ſolved to make him Patron of this Order, and to intitle all the Fellows and Companions of it, Knights of the Or­der of St. George. To which end having beautified and inlarged the Caſtle of Windſor, to be the Seat-Royal of this Order, he cauſed a ſolemn Proclamation to be made in France, Spain, Germany, and the Belgick Provinces, by which all men of Military ſpirits were invited to attend thoſe Tilts and Tournaments, which were intended to be kept not only on St. Georges day then next enſuing (which was deſigned for the Day of the Inſtitution) but for 15. dayes before, and as many after. And that the memo­ry of St. George might be ſtill continued, he gave them for another part of their daily habit, the Image of Saint George encountring with the Dragon, enchaſed with Pearls and precious ſtones, appendant to a Blew Silk6 Ribbond continually to be worn about their Necks. The day perpetually deſigned for the Solemnities of the In­ſtallation, was fixed upon the 23. of April, Saint Georges Day; and thoſe Solemnities to be performed in a good­ly Church, erected within the verge and limits of the Caſtle, called the Free Chappel of St. George. In which condition it remains to this very day.

6. As for the Habit of the Order beſides the Garter and the George before remembred, without which none of theſe Knights are to ſhew themſelves abroad in pub­lick, there properly belongs to each of them a Surcoat, a Mantle and an Hood, all ſtately and magnificent both for Stuff and Faſhion. But theſe to be worn onely on Saint Georges Day, and on what day ſoever it ſhall pleaſe the Soveraign to celebrate the Solemnities of the In­ſtallations. To each of them belongs alſo a rich Col­ler made of pure Gold, compoſed of Knots and Garters, enamelled with Roſes white and red, the Image of Saint George richly ſet out with precious ſtones appendant to it; to be worne over all the Robes at. Saint Georges Feaſt; and over their ordinary Clokes upon all ſuch dayes, on which the Soveraigne is bound by Statutes to make his Offerings. And finally, beſide theſe Robes appointed by the Royall Founder, it pleaſed His late Majeſty, of precious memory, to make an Order, That all theſe Knights ſhould wear upon their Clokes or Ri­ding Coats an Eſcotheon of the Armes of Saint George, i. c. A Croſſe within a Garter, not enriched with Pearls or Stones, but both environed round about with a rich Imbroidery. This to be done in token of the Honour which they hold from that Noble Order; firſt inſtituted and ordained for perſons of the higheſt worth, as the Act7 informeth us: which Act bears date on the 27. day of April, Anno 1626 being the ſecond year of the ſaid Kings Reign.

7. In ſome of theſe Abiliments the Knights of this moſt noble Order are attired in publick, as the diverſity of occaſions is preſented to them; but alwayes in their ſtatelieſt Robes and richeſt Collers, when the Solemni­ties of the Order are to be performed, that is to ſay, the celebrating of St. Georges Feaſt, and in the act or cere­mony of their Inſtallations. Concerning which we are to know, that every Knight is bound to faſten an Eſco­cheon of their Arms on a plate of Mettal on their ſeve­ral Stalls, with an inſcription of their Names and Titles of Honour; which they remove according as them­ſelves in order are advanced higher. And in this Order do they alſo change the places of their Banners, Swords and Helmets, which are continually over their ſaid Stalls, during their being of the Order; that plate of Arms being left unto that Stall, in which laſt they ſate, the Hatchments taken down, to make room for ſuch as ſhall ſucceed unto the Stall of the Knight deceaſed, or otherwiſe removed to ſome higher place. And touch­ing this we are to know, that in this Order they are pla­ced according to the Seniority of their Creations, and not according to their perſonal Dignities and Titles of Honour: So that ſometimes a Knight Batchelor hath place, before an Earl or Barron, yea, a Duke or Mar­queſs; as not long ſince we had example in Sir Henry Lea Knight, Keeper of the Armory, who had precedency of the Duke of Lenox, beſides Earls and Barons. One­ly in honour unto ſtrangers, who are Sovereign Princes, or Sons or Brothers to ſuch Princes, it is permitted by8 the rules of the Order, that they take place according to the quality of their ſeveral perſons. But this is but a late Indulgence: For anciently whoſoever was elected into the place of a Knight deceaſed, ſucceeded alſo in his Stall, without reſpect of any quality or degree. If a King crowned came in the place of a Knight Batchellor, whoſe Stall was loweſt, he ſate there alſo, no difference being made betwixt Forreigners and Natives, but all accoun­ted of as Fellows; as may be made apparent by the old French Tables, exemplified (and now by conſequence preſerved) in St. Georges Hiſtory: And this is evident by the plates of ſeveral Kings and Sovereign Princes, placed in lower Stalls; as alſo from the firſt intention of the Founder, who meant them all as Fellows and Com­panions of the ſame Order; and therefore no priority to be challenged by any of them, no more than was in Ar­thurs Table, which he chiefly imitated. Henry the Se­venth, as is ſuppoſed, made the alteration, as far as it hath reference to Forreign Princes. The reſt continued in thoſe Stalls, where at firſt they ſate; ſave that the Sovereigns reſerved unto themſelves this power, Once in their lives (ſo ſaith the Statute) to make a general Tranſlation of all the Stalls at their pleaſure, except of Emperours, Kings, and Soveraign Princes; as it continu­eth at this day.

8. Nothing remaines but that we lay down the Succeſſion of the Knights of this Order, from the firſt Inſtitution of it to this preſent time, Anno 1661. Which for my better method, I ſhall rank in this manner follow­ing. Firſt, I will give the Names of thoſe Eminent Perſons, which were the firſt Fellowes and Compani­ons of it, and therefore called the Founders of the Order9 in the Book of Windſor. Secondly, I ſhall draw down the ſucceſſion from the Death of thoſe Founders, through the Raigns of all the Kings and Queens of England, till the thirteenth year of King Charles the Second; and thirdly repreſent the State of that excellent Order as it now ſtands upon the ſo much Celebrated day of the Inſtallation, the greateſt and moſt General day of In­ſtallation that was ever known, ſince the firſt Founding of the Order. And that being done, I ſhall both put an end to my own trouble, and the Readers alſo.

The Founders, as they uſe to call them, of the moſt Noble Order of Saint GEORGE, named the Garter.
  • 1 EDward the third King of England.
    Edward III. An. Ch. 1350.
  • 2 Edward Prince of Wales.
  • 3 Henry Duke of Lancaſter.
  • 4 Thomas Beauchamp Earl of Warwick.
  • 5 Peter Capitaine de la Bouche, a Gaſcoyner.
  • 6 Ralph Lord Stafford, after Earl of Stafford.
  • 7 William de Montacute Earl of Salisbury.
  • 8 Roger Lord Mortimer, after Earl of March.
  • 9 John Liſle Knight and Baron.
  • 10 Bartholemew the Burgtherſt Knight and Baron.
  • 11 John Beauchamp. Knight and Baron.
  • 12 John Lord Mohun of Dunſter.
  • 13 Hugh de Courtney. Knight and Baron.
  • 14 Thomas de Holland Knight.
  • 10
  • 15 John Grey of Codner Knight and Baron.
  • 16 Richard Fitz-Simon, or Simondſon Knight.
  • 17 Miles de Stapulton Knight.
  • 18 Thomas de wale Knight.
  • 19 Hugh Wirteſley Knight.
  • 20 Neele de Loring Knight.
  • 21 John Chandos Banneret.
  • 22 James de Audley Knight and Baron.
  • 23 Otho de Holland Knight.
  • 24 Henry Eſme Knight.
  • 25 Sanchio Dabridgecourt Knight, a Henalteir.
  • 26 Walter Pavely Knight.
The places of which Founders, or of as ma­ny of them as deceaſed in the Reign of that King, were filled again, and the Succeſſion thus continued by the ſaid King Edward.
  • Richard of Bourdeaux Prince of wales, after King of Eng­land, of that name the ſecond.
  • Lionell Duke of Clarence.
  • John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaſter, and afterwards of A­quitaine, called into Parliament by the name of King of Caſtile and Leon.
  • Edmund of Langley, Duke of York, and E. of Cambridge.
  • John Duke of Bretagne and Earl of Richmond.
  • Humphrey de Bohun Earl of Hereford.
  • William de Bohun Earl of Northampton.
  • John Haſtings Earl of Pembroke.
  • Thomas Beauchamp the Son, Earl of Warwich.
  • Richard Fitz-Alen Earl of Arundel.
  • 11
  • Robert Ufford Earl of Suffolk.
  • Guiſcard de Engoliſme, after Earl of Huntington.
  • Ingelram de Coucy Earl of Bedford, the Kings Son-in-Law.
  • William Lord Fitz-warin.
  • Edward Lord Deſpencer.
  • Hugh Earle of Stafford.
  • William Lord Latimer.
  • Reynold Lord Cobham of Sterburgh.
  • John Lord Nevil of Raby.
  • Ralph Lord Baſſet of Drayton.
  • Sir Walter Manny Banneret, a Gentleman of Haynalt, one of eſpeciall merit and imployment in our Wars with France.
  • Sir Thomas Ufford.
  • Sir Thomas Felton, the ſame I take it, whom Hector Boe­tius calleth by the name of William.
  • Sir Francis Van-Hall.
  • Sir Alan Boxhull Conſtable of the Tower.
  • Sir Richard Pemburg.
  • Sir Thomas Utreight.
  • Sir Thomas Baniſter.
  • Sir Richard La Vache.
  • Sir Guido Brian or Brient.
Richard the ſecond King of England, &c. and So­veraign of the Garter,
Richard II. An. Ch. 1377.
Elected in his time theſe that follow.
  • Thomas of Woodſtock Earl of Buckingham, after Duke of Glouceſter.
  • 12
  • Henry of Lancaſter Earl of Derby, after Duke of Hereford, and finally King of England, of that name the fourth.
  • William Duke of Gelderland, deſcended by his Mother from the Lady Elenor, ſiſter to King Edw. the third, and wife of Reynald, firſt Duke of Guelders.
  • William of Bavaria Earl of Oſternant, Son of Albert, Earl of Holland, afterwards Earl of Holland, Heinalt, &c.
  • Thomas Holland Earl of Kent, after Duke of Surrey.
  • Thomas Mowbray Earl of Nottingham, after Duke of Norfolk.
  • Edward Earl of Rutland, after Duke of Albemarle, and at laſt Duke of York, ſlain at the Battle of Agin-court.
  • Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk.
  • William Lord Scrope, after Earl of Wilts.
  • Sir William Beauchamp, after Lord Aburgavenny.
  • John Lord Beaumont.
  • William Lord Willoughby.
  • Richard Lord Grey.
  • Sir Nicholas Sarnsfield.
  • Sir Philip de la Vache.
  • Sir Simon Burley, inſtitutor of the King in his minority.
  • Sir John D' Eureux.
  • Sir Brian Stapleton.
  • Sir Richard Burley.
  • Sir Peter Courtney.
  • Sir John Burley.
  • Sir John Bourchier.
  • Sir Thomas Grandiſon.
  • Sir Lewis Clyfford.
  • Sir Robert de Namurs.
HENRY the Fourth of that name, King of Eng­land,
Henry IV. An. Ch. 1499.
&c. Soueraign of the Garter, made choice of
  • 13
  • HENRY Prince of Wales, after King Henry the Fifth.
  • Thomas Duke of Clarence, and Lord high Steward.
  • John Duke of Bedford, and Lord High Conſtable, after Regent of France.
  • Humphrey Duke of Glouceſter, Protector of the Realm in the time of King Henry the ſixth.
  • Robert Count Palatine, and Duke of Bavier.
  • Thomas Beaufort Earl of Dorſet, after Duke of Ex­ceter.
  • John Beaufort Earl of Somerſet.
  • Thomas Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel.
  • Edmund Earl of Stafford.
  • Edmund Holland Earl of Kent.
  • Ralph Nevil Earl of Weſtmerland.
  • Gilbert Lord Talbot.
  • Gilbert Lord Roos.
  • Thomas Lord Morley.
  • Edward Lord Powys.
  • John Lord Lovell.
  • Edward Lord Burnell.
  • Sir John Cornwall, after Lord Fanhope.
  • Sir William Arundell.
  • Sir John Stanley.
  • Sir Robert Umfreville.
  • Sir Thomas Rampſton.
  • 14
  • Sir Thomas Erpingham, afterwards Captain of the Archers at the Battail of Agincours.
  • Sir John Sulby.
  • Sir Sanchio of Trane.
HENRY the Fifth,
Henry V. An. Ch. 1413.
King of England, &c. Soveraign of the Garter, graced the Order with
  • 1413. JOHN King of Portugall.
  • Henry or Ericus King of Danemarke.
  • Sir John Dabridgecourt.
  • 1416. Sigiſmund King of Hungary and Bohemia, and Emperour Elect.
  • John Holland Earl of Huntingdon, and after the death of Thomas Beaufort Duke of Eneter.
  • Thomas Mountacute Earl of Salisbury.
  • Richard Vere Earl of Oxon.
  • Richard Beauchamp Earl of Wawick, after Vice-Regent of France.
  • Thomas Lord Camoys.
  • Robert Lord Willoughby.
  • Henry Lord Fitz-Hugh.
  • Sir Simon Felbridge.
  • Sir John Robſart, or Robertſack.
  • Sir William Harrington.
  • Sir John Blunt.
  • Sir Thomas Montacute.
  • 1420. Hugh Stafford Lord Bourchier.
  • Sir John Grey of Eyton.
  • 15
  • 1421. Sir William Philips, after Lord Bardolph, Trea­ſurer of the Houſhould.
  • 1422. William de la Pole, then Earl, after Marqueſs, and laſtly Duke of Suffolk.
  • John Moubray, Earl Marſhal, after Duke of Nor­folke.
  • John Lord Clyfford.
  • Sir Lewis Robſart, Lord Chamberlain, and afterwards Lord Bourcher.
  • Sir Walter Hungerford, Lord Steward of the King's houſe, after Lord Hungerford, Conſtable of Windſor.
  • Sir Heretongs Cleux a Knight of Germany.
HENRY the Sixth, King of England,
Henry VI. An. Ch. 1421.
&c. and Soveraign of the Order, aſſumed into it
  • 1423. JOHN Lord Talbot, after Earl of Shrewsbury, the firſt of this Family.
  • 1425. Thomas Lord Scales.
  • 1426. Sir John Fuſtolfe, Governour of Anjou and Maine.
  • 1429. Humphrey Earl of Stafford, after Duke of Buckingham, Lord High Conſtable.
  • Sir John Ratelif.
  • 1432. John Fitz-alan Earl of Arundel.
  • 1435. Edward King of Portugal, Son of that King John who was elected of the Order by King Henry the Fifth.
  • Richard Duke of York, who after claimed the King­dom againſt this King Henry.
  • 16
  • 1436. Edmund Beaufort Earl of Moriton in Normandy, after Duke of Somerſet.
  • Sir John Grey, after Lord Grey of Ruthin.
  • 1437. Richard Nevil Earl of Salisbury.
  • 1438. Albert of Auſtria King of Hungary and Bohe­mia, and Emperour of Germany.
  • 1438. John Beauford Duke of Somerſet, elder Bro­ther of Edmund Earl of Moriton abovementioned.
  • Gaſton de Foix Earl of Longeville.
  • William Nevil Lord Falconbride, after Earl of Kent.
  • John Viſcount Beaumont, the firſt in England that was ever honoured with the title of Viſcount.
  • Ralph Lord Butler of Sudeley.
  • 1444. Peter Duke of Conimbria, third Son of John King of Portugal.
  • Henry Duke of Viſontium, fourth Son to the ſaid John King of Portugal.
  • 1445. John de Foix created alſo Earl of Kendal, cal­led commonly Capdal de Bouche.
  • Sir John Beaucham after Lord Beauchamp of Powick.
  • 1446. Alvare d' Almada, Earl of Avarence, a Por­tugueze.
  • Thomas Lord Hoo and Haſting.
  • 1447. Alphonſo King of Portugall.
  • Sir Francis Serrien, an Arragonian; a man of prin­cipal imployment in our wars with France.
  • 1450. Alphonſo King of Arragon and Naples.
  • Caſimire King of Poland.
  • William, ſurnamed The Victorius, Duke of Brunſwick.
  • John Mowbray Duke of Norfolk.
  • Richard Widdevil Lord Rivers, after Earl Rivers; and Lord High Conſtable.
  • 17
  • 1452. Henry Viſcount. Bouchter after Earl of Eſsex.
  • Sir Philip Wentworth.
  • 1453. Sir Edward Hall.
  • 1454. Edward the Kings only Son, Prince of Wales; ſlain afterwards at the Battel of Tewskbury.
  • 1457. John Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, Elect into his Fathers place.
  • Lionell Lord Wells.
  • Thomas Lord Stanley.
  • 1458. John Lord Bourchier of Borners.
  • 1459. Frederick Archduke of Auſtria, and Emp.
  • Jaſper of Hatfield Earl of Pembroke, after Duke of Bedford.
  • James Butler Earl of Wilts and Ormond.
  • John Lord Dudley.
  • 1461. Richard Nevil Earl of Warwick, called the King-maker, Lord Admiral, Warden of the Cinque-Ports, and Captain of Calice.
  • William Lord Bonvill, and Harrington.
  • Sir John Wenlock, after Lord Wenlock.
  • Sir Thomas Kyriell.
EDVVARD the Fourth King of England,
Edw. IV. An. Ch. 1461.
&c. and Soveraign of the Garter, made Knights there­of.
  • 1463. FErdinand King of Naples.
  • Francis Sforza Duke of Millain.
  • George Duke of Clarence.
  • Richard D. of Glouceſter, after King Richard the Third.
  • James Earl of Douglas, a Lord of Scotland.
  • 18
  • Galiard Lord Duras.
  • John Lord Scrope of Bolton.
  • William Lord Haſtings Lord Chamberlain.
  • Sir John Aſtley.
  • Sir William Chamberlain.
  • Sir Robert Haricourt.
  • 1464. John Nevil Lord Montacute, after Earl of Northumberland, and laſtly Marqueſs Montacute.
  • William Lord Herbert, after Earl of Pembroke.
  • 1468. Anthony Widdevill Lord Scales, after Earl Ri­vers, and Lord High Conſtable.
  • N. N. Lord of Montaguiſon, a Gaſcoiner, as I conjecture.
  • John Tiptoft Earl of Worceſter, and Lord High Con­ſtable.
  • 1472. Walter Blunt Lord Montjoy.
  • John Stafford Earl of Wilts.
  • 1473. William Fitz-alan, Earl of Arundel.
  • John Mowbrey Duke of Norfolk.
  • John De-la-Pole Duke of Suffolk.
  • John Lord Howard, after Duke of Norfolk.
  • 1474. Henry Stafford Duke of Buckingham, and after Lord High Conſtable.
  • Thomas Lord Maltravers.
  • Walter d' Eureux Lord Ferrers of Chartley.
  • Sir William Parre.
  • 1475. Frederick Duke of Urbine.
  • Henry-Algernon Percie Earl of Northumberland.
  • 1476. Edward Prince of Wales, after King Edward the Fifth.
  • Richard Duke of York, the Kings ſecond Son.
  • Thomas Grey Marqueſs of Dorſet.
  • 1477. Sir Thomas Mongomery.
  • 1478. Charles Duke of Burgundy.
  • 19
  • 1480. Ferdinand King of Caſtile and Arragon, fir­named The Catholick; not named in the old French Ta­bles.
  • Hercules Duke of Ferrara.
  • 1483. King John of Portugall, whom I conceive ra­ther to have been elected in the Raigh of Henry the Seventh; for he is named there alſo as then choſen.
RICHARD of Glouceſter King of England,
Rich. III. An. Ch. 1483.
&c. Soveraign of the Garter, admitted theſe, viz.
  • 1483. SIr John Conyers Banneret.
  • 1484. Thomas Earl of Sarrey, after Duke of
  • Norfolk.
  • Thomas Lord Stanley, after Earl of Darby.
  • Francis Lord Lovell, after Viſcount Lovell.
  • Sir William Stanley, afterwards Lord Chamberlain to King Henry the Seventh.
  • 1485. Sir Richard Ratelif.
  • Sir Richard Tunſtall.
HENRY the Seventh, King of England,
Henry VII. An. Ch. 1486.
&c. Soveraign of the Garter, admitted to this Honor,
  • 1487. IOhn Vere Earl of Oxon, Captain of the Archers at Boſworth field.
  • Thomas Lord Burgh.
  • John King of Portugal.
  • George Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, after the death of the Lord Broke, Lord Steward.
  • 20
  • John Viſcount Wells.
  • Giles Lord Daubeny Earl of Bridgewater.
  • Edward Lord Widdeville.
  • George Stanley Lord Strange.
  • 1490. Sir John Savage.
  • Sir John Cheinie:
  • 1494. Alphonſo Duke of Calabria, after King of Naples.
  • Arthur, the Kings eldeſt Son, Prince of Wales.
  • Thomas Grey Marqueſs of Dorſet.
  • 1494. Henry Perey Earl of Northumberland.
  • Henry Bourchier Earl of Eſſex.
  • Sir Charles: Somerſet Banneret, after Lord Herbert and Earl of Worceſter.
  • John Lord Dynham Lord Treaſurer.
  • Robert Willoughby Lord Brook, Lord Steward.
  • Sir Edward Poynings.
  • Sir Gilbert Talbot Banneret.
  • 1500. Sir Richard Pole, Lord Chamberlain to the Prince.
  • 1500. Maximilian Archduke of Auſtria, after Em­perour.
  • John King of Danemarke.
  • Henry, the Kings ſecond Son, Duke of York, after King of England, of that name the VIII.
  • Edward Courtney Earl of Devon.
  • Sir Richard Guilford.
  • Sir Thomas Lovell.
  • Edmund de la Pole Earl of Suffolk.
  • Sir Regniald Bray.
  • 1505 Ubaldo Duke of Urbine.
  • Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, Lord High Conſtable.
  • 21
  • Gerrard Earl of Kildare.
  • Henry Lord Stafford Earl of Wilts.
  • 1506. Richard Grey Earl of Kent.
  • Sir Rheſeap Thomas.
  • 1508. Phillip of Auſtria, King of Caſtile, and Duke of Burgondy.
  • Sir Thomas Brandon.
HENRY the Eighth, King of England,
Hen. VIII. An. Ch. 1509.
&c. Soveraign of the Order of the Garter, choſe unto it,
  • 1509. THomas Lord Darcy of the North.
  • Edward Sutton Lord Dudley.
  • 1510. Emanuel King of Portugall.
  • Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey, after Duke of Norfolk.
  • Thomas Weſt Lord de la Ware.
  • Sir Henry Marney, after Lord Marney.
  • 1513. Sir Charles Brandon, after Duke of Suffolk, and Lord Great-Maſter.
  • Edward Howard Lord Admiral.
  • George Nevill Lord Albergavennie.
  • 1514. Julian de Medices, brother to Pope Leo the Tenth.
  • Edward Stanley Lord Mounteagle, ſecond Son to the Earl of Darby.
  • 1518. Thomas Lord Dacres of Gilleſland.
  • Sir William Sands, Lord Chamberlain, after Lord Sands of the Vine.
  • 1519. Henry Courtney, Earl of Devon, after Marqueſs of Exceter.
  • 22
  • 1522. Charles the Fifth, Emperour of Germany, and King of Spain.
  • Ferdinand Archduke of Auſtria, and King of the Ro­mans.
  • Sir Richard Wingfield.
  • 1523. Sir Thomas Bllen Treaſurer of the Houſhold, after Earl of Wilts, Father of the Lady Ann Bollen, ſe­cond Wife to King Henry the Eigth, and Mother to Queen Elizabeth.
  • Walter Dewreux Lord Ferrers, after Viſcount Here­ford.
  • 1524. Robert Ratclif Viſcount Fitz-Walter, after Earl of Suſſex.
  • Arthur Plantagenet, Viſcount Liſle, natural Son to King Edward the Fourth, from whom George Duke of Albemarle now being, doth derive his pedigree.
  • 1525. Henry Fitz-Roy, natural Son to King Henry the Eighth, Duke of Richmond and Somerſet, Earl of Not­tingham, and Lord Admiral.
  • William Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel.
  • Ralph Nevill Earl of Weſtmorland.
  • Thomas Mannours Lord Roos, after Earl of Rutland.
  • 1526. William Fitz-Williams Lord Admiral, after Earl of Southampton, and Lord Treaſurer.
  • William Blount Lord Monjoy.
  • Sir Henry Guilford.
  • 1527. Francis, the Firſt, King of the French.
  • John Vere Earl of Oxon.
  • 1531. Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland.
  • 1532. Annas Duke of Montmorencie, Great Maſter of the Houſhold to the French King.
  • Phillip de Cabot Earl of Newblanch, Lord Admiral of France.
  • 23
  • Henry Clifford Earl of Cumberland.
  • 1536. James the Fifth, King of the Scots.
  • Sir Nicholas Carewe.
  • 1537. Thomas Lord Cromwel, Lord Privie Seal, after Farl of Eſſex, and Lord Great Chamberlain, and Vicar General.
  • 1539. John Lord Ruſſel, Lord Privie Seal, after Earl of Bedford.
  • Sir Thonas Cheinie.
  • Sir William Kingſton.
  • 1540. Thomas Lord Andley of Walden, Lord Chan­cellour.
  • Edward Seymor Earl of Heriford, after Duke of So­merſet, and Lord Protector.
  • Sir Anthony Browne, Father of Anthony Browne firſt Viſcount Montague.
  • 1541. Henry Howard Earl of Surrey.
  • Sir John Gage.
  • Sir Anthony Wingfield.
  • 1543. John Dudley Viſcount Liſle, after Earl of War­wick, and Duke of Northumberland.
  • William Lord Parre, after Earl of Eſſex, and Marqueſs of Northampton.
  • William Pawlet, Lord St. John of Baſing, after Earl of Wilts, Marqueſs of Wincheſter, and Lord Treaſurer.
  • Sir John Wallopp Treaſurer of Calie.
  • 1544. Sir Anthony St. Leger Lord Deputy of Ireland.
  • Henry Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel.
  • 1545. Francis Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury.
  • Thomas Lord Wriotheſley Lord Chancellor, created Earl of Southampton by King Edward the Sixth.
EDVVARD the Sixth,
Edw. VI. An. Ch. 1547.
King of England, &c. and Soveraign of the Garter, aſcribed into the Order,
  • 24
  • 1547. THomas Lord Seymor of Sudley, Lord Admi­ral, the Protectors Brother.
  • 1548. Sir William Paget Comptroller of the Houſhold, after Lord Paget of Beaudeſert.
  • 1549. Henry Grey Marqueſs of Dorſet, after Duke of Suffolk.
  • Francis Haſtings Earl of Huntingdon.
  • Edward Stanley Earl of Darby.
  • Thomas Weſt Lord de la Ware.
  • George Brook Lord Cobham.
  • Sir William Herbert, after Lord Herbert of Cardiſſe, and Earl of Pembroke.
  • 1551. Henry the Second, King of the French.
  • Edward Lord Clinton, Lord Admiral.
  • Thomas Lord Darcy of Chiche, Lord Chamberlain.
  • 1552. John Earl of Warmick, eldeſt Son to the Duke of Northumberland.
  • Henry Nevill Earl of Weſtmerland.
  • Sir Andrew Sutton, alias Dudley.
MARY Queen of England, &c.
Mary Qu. An. Ch. 1553.
and Soveraign of the Garter, aſſumed into the void places,
  • 25
  • 1553. PHilip of Auſtria, King of Naples and Hieru­ſalem, and after ſole Monarch of Spain, the Queens husband.
  • Henry Ratclif Earl of Suſſex.
  • 1554. Emanuel Duke of Savoy.
  • William Lord Howard of Effingham.
  • Anthony Browne, Viſcount Montague, then Embaſſa­dour at Rome.
  • Sir Edward Haſtings Maſter of the Horſe, after Lord Haſtings of Loughborough.
  • 1556. William Lord Grey of Wilton.
  • Thomas Ratclif Earl of Suſſex.
  • Sir Robert Rocheſter.
ELIZABETH Queen of England, &c.
Eliz. Qu. An. Ch. 1558.
and Sove­raign of the Garter, ſupplied the voide places with,
  • 1559. THomas Howard Duke of Norfolk.
  • Henry Mannors Earl of Rutland.
  • Sir Robert Dudley Maſter of the Horſe, after Earl of Leiceſter, and Lord Steward.
  • 1560. Adolph Duke of Holſatia.
  • 1561. George Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury.
  • Henry Cary Lord Hunſdon.
  • 26
  • 1563. Ambroſe Dudley Earl of Warwick.
  • Thomas Percy Earl of Northumberland.
  • 1564. Charles the Ninth, King of the French.
  • Francis Ruſſel Earl of Bedford.
  • Sir Henry Sidney Lord Preſident of Wales, and thrice Lord Deputy of Ireland.
  • 1568. Maximilian the Second, Emperour of Germa­ny, and King of Hungary and Bohemia.
  • 1570. Francis Haſtings Earl of Huntington.
  • William Somerſet Earl of Worceſter.
  • 1572. Francis Duke of Mont-morency.
  • Walter Deureux Earl of Eſsex.
  • Arthur Lord Grey of Wilton.
  • Edmund Bruges Lord Chandos.
  • William Cecill Lord Burghley, Lord Treaſurer.
  • 1574. Henry Stanley Earl of Darby.
  • Henry Herbert Earl of Pembroke.
  • 1575. Henry the Third, King of France and Poland.
  • Charles Lord Howard of Effingham, Lord Admiral after Earl of Nottingham.
  • 1578. Rodulphus the Second, Emperour of Germany, and King of Hungary and Bohemia.
  • Frederick King of Danemark.
  • 1579. John Caſimire Count Palatine of the Rhene, and Duke of Bavaria.
  • 1584. Edward Mannours Earl of Rutland.
  • William Broke, Lord Cobham.
  • Henry Lord Scrope of Bolton.
  • 1578. Robert Deureux Earl of Eſſex.
  • Thomas Butler, Earl of Ormond.
  • Sir Chriſtopher Hatton Lord Chancellour.
  • 1589. Henry Ratclif Earl of Suſſex.
  • 27
  • Thomas Sackvill, Lord Buckhurſt, after Earl of Dor­ſet, and Lord Treaſurer.
  • 1590. Henry the Fourth, King of France and Na­varre.
  • James the Sixth, King of the Scots, after the firſt Monarch of Great Britain.
  • 1592. Gilbert Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury.
  • George Clifford Earl of Cumberland.
  • 1593. Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland.
  • Edward Somerſet Earl of Worceſter.
  • Thomas Lord Burgh, after Lord Deputy of Ire­land.
  • Edmund Lord Sheffield, created afterwards Earl of Moulgrave.
  • Sir Francis Knollys Treaſurer of the Houſhold.
  • 1597. Frederick Duke of Wirtzenberge.
  • Thomas Lord Howard of Walden, after Earl of Suf­folk, and Lord Treaſurer.
  • George Carie, Lord Hunſdon, Lord Chamberlain.
  • Charles Blount Lord Montjoy, after Lord Deputy of Ireland, and Earl of Devon.
  • Sir Henry Leu Keeper of the Armory.
  • 1599. Robert Ratclif Earl of Suſſex.
  • Henry Brook Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Port.
  • Thomas Lord Scrope of Bolton.
  • 1601. William Stanley Earl of Darby.
  • Thomas Cecil, Lord Burghley, after Earl of Exceter.
JAMES King of Great Brittain,
Jam. 1. An. Ch. 1602.
&c. Sove­raign of the Garter, adorned the Order with theſe Worthies.
  • 28
  • 1603. CHriſtierne the Fourth, King of Danemark.
  • Henry the Kings Eldeſt Son, Prince of Wales.
  • Lewis Duke of Lenox, afterwards Earl, and Duke of Richmond, and Lord Steward.
  • Henry Wriothſley Earl of Southampton.
  • John Ereskin Earl of Marre, in the Realm of Scot­land.
  • William Herbert Earl of Pembroke, Lord Steward after the death of Marqueſs Hamilton.
  • 1605. Ulrick Duke of Holſatia.
  • Henry Howard Earl of Northampton, Lord Privy Seal.
  • 1606. Robert Cecill Earl of Salisbury, afterward Lord Treaſurer.
  • Thomas Howard Viſcount Bindon.
  • 1608. George Hume Earl of Dunbarre, Lord Treaſurer of Scotland.
  • Philip Herbert Earl of Montgomery, afterward Earl of Pembroke alſo; and Lord Chamberlain.
  • 1611. Charles the King's Second Son Duke of York, after Prince of Wales, and Second Monarch of Great Brittain.
  • Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel and Surrey, after Lord Marſhal.
  • Robert Carre Viſc. Rocheſter, after Earl of Somerſet.
  • 29
  • 1612. Frederick Prince Elector Palatine, the King's Son in Law, Elected and Crowned King of Bohemia, Anno 1619.
  • Maurice Van Naſſaw, Prince of Orange, and Governour of the Armies of the States General.
  • 1615. Thomas Ereskin, Viſcount Fenton, now Earl of Kelly, in the Realm of Scotland.
  • William Lord Knollis, after Viſcount Wallingford, and Earl of Banbury.
  • 1616. Francis Mannours Earl of Rutland.
  • Sir George Villiers, Maſter of the Horſe, after Earl, Marqueſs and Duke of Buckingham.
  • Robert Sidney Viſcount Liſle, after Earl of Leiceſter.
  • 1623. James Marqueſs Hamilton, Earl of Cambridge afterwards Lord Steward.
  • 1624. Eſme Steuart, Lord D' Aubigney, Duke of Lenox, and Earl of March.
  • Chriſtian Duke of Brunſwick.
  • William Cecill Earl of Salisbury.
  • James Hay Earl of Carlile.
CHARLES of that Name the Firſt,
Charles I. An. Ch. 1625.
King of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, &c. So­veraign of the moſt Noble Order of Saint George, called The Garter, adorneth therewith.
  • 1625. FDward Sackvill Earl of Dorſet, after Lord Chamberlain of the Queens, and finally of his Majeſties Houſhold.
  • Henry Rich Earl of Holland.
  • 30Thomas Howard Earl of Berkſhire.
  • Churde de Lorreine Duke of Chevereuſe.
  • 1627. Guſtavus Adolphus King of Sweden.
  • Henry Van Naſsaw Prince of Orange, Succeſſor to his Brother Maurice in his Command in the Low-Countries.
  • Theophilus Howard Earl of Suffolk, Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports.
  • 1628. William Compton Earl of Northampton, Lord Preſident of Wales.
  • 1630. Richard Lord Weſton of Neyland, Lord Trea­ſurer, created afterwards Earl of Portland.
  • Robert Berty Lord Willoughby, Earl of Lindſey, and Lord High Chamberlain.
  • William Cecill Earl of Exeter.
  • James Hamilton, Marqueſs Hamilton, Earl of Cam­bridge, and Maſter of the Horſe, created afterwards Duke Hamilton of Arran in the Realm of Scotland.
  • James Steuart Duke of Lenox and Earl of March, created afterwards Duke of Richmond.
  • Henry Danvers Earl of Danby.
  • William Douglas Earl of Morton, Lord Treaſurer of Scotland, and Captain of his Majeſties Guard.
  • Algernon Percy Earl of Northumberland, Lord Admi­ral, and General of his Majeſties Forces againſt the Scots.
  • Charles Lodowick Prince Elector Palatine, Eldeſt Son of Frederick Prince Palatine, and King of Bohemia, and Elizabeth his Wife, the Kings only Siſter.
  • 1638. Charles Duke of Cornwell, the eldeſt ſurviving Son of his Royal Father, deſigned for Prince of Wales, but not created; and now the Third Monarch of Great Brittain.
  • 1642. William of Naſſo, the only Son of Henry Prince of Orance, and Husband of the Princes Mary, the Kings Eldeſt Daughter.
  • 31
  • James Duke of York, the Second ſurviving Son of his Sacred Majeſty.
  • Rupert Count Palatine of the Rhene, one of the younger Sons of the Queen of Bohemia, created Duke of Cumberland, and Earl of Holdernes, and made the Generaliſsimo of all his Majeſties Forces in the Realm of England.
  • 1643. Barnard Duke of Eſpernon in the Realm of France.
CHARLES the Second,
Charles II. An. Ch. 1648.
King of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, and Soveraign of the moſt Noble Order of Saint George, called the Garter, was pleaſed to dignifie therewith theſe perſons following, viz.
  • 1649. MAurice Count Palatine of the Rhene, the third ſurviving Son of the Queen of Bo­hemia.
  • James Butler Earl of Oſſory, and Marqueſs of Or­mond, made afterwards Lord Steward of his Majeſties Houſhold, Earl of Brecknock, and Duke of Ormond.
  • Edward Count Palatine of the Rhene, another of the younger Sons of the Queen of Bohemia.
  • George Vlliers Earl, Marqueſs and Duke of Buking­ham.
  • William Seymour Earl and Marqueſs of Hartford, de­clared to be one of this Order about this time, but not in­veſted in the ſame till the Moneth of May, An. 1660. after which time he was advanced unto the Title of Duke of Somerſet.
  • 32Thomas Wriotheſly Earl of Southampton, had his De­claratory Letters at the ſame time alſo, but not inveſted with the George and Garter till the Month of May afore­ſaid, and no: long after made Lord Treaſurer of the Realm of England.
  • William Hamilton Duke and Marqueſs of Hamilton, Earl of Cambridge and Arran, and Lord Secretary of Scotland.
  • William Cavendiſh Marqueſs and Earl of Newcaſtle, Viſcount Mansfield, &c.
  • James Graham Marqueſs and Earl of Montroſe in the Realm of Scotland, the Valiant and Victorious Com­mander of his late Majeſties Forces in that Kingdom, Anno 1643, 1644, &c.
  • James Stanley Earl of Darby.
  • 1653. George Dighbey Earl of Briſtol, and ſometimes one of the principal Secretaries to his late Sacred Ma­jeſty.
  • Henry Duke of Glouceſter the King's youngeſt bro­ther.
  • Charles Prince of Tarante, the eldeſt Son to the Duke of Tremonille in the Realm of France.
  • William of Naſſo Prince of Orrange, the only Son of William Prince of Orrange, and the Princes Mary.
  • 1654. Frederick William Marqueſs and Elector of Brandenburge, Duke of Pruſsia, Pomeren, Cleve, and Gulick, &c.
  • 1658. Gaſper Count of Marſham, a Commander of great note in the Armies of the King of Spain againſt the French.
  • 1660. George Monke Lord General of all his Majeſties Forces both in England and Scotland, created afterwards Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Torington, Lord Monke of33 Poderidge, Lord Tayes and Bouchamp, and Maſter of his Majeſties Horſe.
  • Edward Mountague Admiral of the Fleet which brought his Majeſty into England, created afterward Earl of Sandwich, Lord Hinchinbrook, and Maſter of his Majeſties Wardrobe.
  • Aubrey de Vere the 21 Earl of Oxon. of that name and Famely.
  • 1661. Charles Steuart Duke of Richmond and Lenox, Earl of March and Litchfield, &c.
  • Montague Bertue Earl of Lyndſey, and Lord High Chamberlain of England.
  • Edward Montague Earl of Mancheſter, Lord Cham­berlain of his Majeſties Houſhold.
  • William Wentworth Earl of Strafford, Viſcount Went­worth, Lord Raby-Newmarch; in number the 457 per­ſon that hath been choſen of the Order ſince the firſt in­ſtitution.

Nothing remains but that I give the Names of Saint Georges Knights, as they ſtand at the preſent, of which five only were reinſtalled in the time of his late Sacred Majeſty, and all the reſt excepting two elected by his moſt Excellent Majeſty now Raigning, but altogether with thoſe two Inſtalled at Windſor with the accoſtomed Solemnities, on Tueſday the 16 day of April, Anno 1631.

The Fellowes and Companions of the moſt N le Order of St. George, commonly called the Garter, as now they ſtand this preſent April, Anno 1661.
  • 34
  • 1. CHARLES the Second, King of Great Brittain, France and Ireland, &c.
  • 2. James Duke of York, the King's only Brother.
  • 3. Charles Lodowick Prince Elector Palatine.
  • 4. Frederick-William Marqueſs and Elector of Bran­denburgh.
  • 5. Rupert Count Palatine of the Rbene, and Duke of Cumberland.
  • 6. Edward Count Palatine of the Rhene.
  • 7. William of Naſſo, Prince of Orange.
  • 8. Barnard Duke of Eſpernon.
  • 9. Charles Prince of Tarante.
  • 10. William Cecil Earl of Salisbury.
  • 11. Thomas Howard Earl of Barkſhire.
  • 12. Algernon Percy Earl of Northumberland.
  • 13. James Butler Duke of Ormond.
  • 14. George Villiers Duke of Buckingham.
  • 15. Thomas Wriotheſly Earl of Southampton.
  • 16. William Cavendiſh Marqueſs of Newcaſtle.
  • 17. George Dighby Earl of Briſtol.
  • 18. Gaſper Count of Marſham.
  • 19. George Monke Duke of Albemarle.
  • 20. Edward Montague Earl of Sandwich.
  • 21. Abrey de Vere Earl of Oxford.
  • 22. Charles Stenart Duke of Richmond and Lenox.
  • 35
  • 23. Montague Bertue Earl of Lyndſey.
  • 24. Edward Montague Earl of Mancheſter.
  • 25. William Wentworth Earl of Strafford.

And here it is to be obſerved, That the Duke of So­merſets place is ſtill kept vacant, it being no unuſual matter with the Soveraigns of this famous Order, to keep ſome place or places vacant, that they may never want the opportunity of gratifying any forain Prince, or any other eminent perſon which deſerves well of them. Which ſaid, I am to add but this, That to this Order there belongs five Principal Officers, that is to ſay, the Prelate, the Chancellour, the Regiſter, the King of Arms, called Garter, and the Gentleman Uſher called the Blackrod. Of which the Prelate being alwayes Biſhop of Wincheſter; and the Regiſter being for the moſt part Dean of Windſor, are of the ſame Antiquity with the Order it ſelf: The King of Arms was firſt appointed by King Henry the fifth; the Chancellour by King Edward the fourth; and the Gentleman Uſher by King Henry the eighth. Which is as much as needs be ſaid in the prſent buſineſs; which here I ſhall conclude with that very Motto, continually interwoven in the Garter it ſelf; that is to ſay, Honi ſoit qui maly penſe: Shame be to him that evil thinks, either of this moſt famous Order, or the Soveragin of it; or any of thoſe Noble and Illuſtri­ous Perſons that are honoured with it.


About this transcription

TextA perfect catalogue of all the knights of the most noble Order of the Garter. From the first institution of it, untill this present April, Auno [sic] 1661. Whereunto is prefixed a short discourse touching the institution of the Order, the patron, habit and solemnities of it, with many other particulars which concern the same. / Collected and continued by J.N.
AuthorJ. N..
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA perfect catalogue of all the knights of the most noble Order of the Garter. From the first institution of it, untill this present April, Auno [sic] 1661. Whereunto is prefixed a short discourse touching the institution of the Order, the patron, habit and solemnities of it, with many other particulars which concern the same. / Collected and continued by J.N. J. N.. [4], 35, [1] p. Printed for Anne Seile, over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street,London :1661.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "April 19".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Order of the Garter -- Registers -- Early works to 1800.

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Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

Editorial principles

EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO.

EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative (

The EEBO-TCP project was divided into two phases. The 25,363 texts created during Phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 January 2015. Anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source.

Users should be aware of the process of creating the TCP texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data.

Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). If an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in NCBEL, then their works are eligible for inclusion. Selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so.

Image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. Quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in Oxford and Michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet QA standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. After proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. Any remaining illegibles were encoded as <gap>s. Understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of TCP data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor.

The texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the TEI in Libraries guidelines.

Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements).

Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site.

Publication information

  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-04 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A89811
  • STC Wing N21
  • STC Thomason E1087_13
  • STC ESTC R202944
  • EEBO-CITATION 99863067
  • PROQUEST 99863067
  • VID 115249

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. Searching, reading, printing, or downloading EEBO-TCP texts is reserved for the authorized users of these project partner institutions. Permission must be granted for subsequent distribution, in print or electronically, of this EEBO-TCP Phase II text, in whole or in part.