THey that have ſeen the Dancing Horſe, how exactly he knows his Figures, and keeps Time to the Muſick, as if a French Dancing Maſter had taught him. How he counts money, as if he had been a Caſh keeper. How he ſcrapes, and makes legs, and kneels for the King, as if he begd his enjoyment, but for the State preſently lyes down and groans: they all admire, and cry, This Horſe ſhews tricks that youl'd believe the Beaſt were Rational; which means no mor then this, That he truly hath not Reaſon, but reſembles only him that hath. So Tacitus writes of the Legions in Germany mutining, That they would now be all on fire, and anon be all as quiet, with ſo great equality and conſtancy that youl'd believe they were well Govern'd, which is as much to ſay, That they ſeem'd govern'd, but in truth were not.
Now I will endeavour to make it clear againſt the Hiſtorian, That Sedition, or let it be the Seditious multitude, is govern'd perfectly by its own Nature, much more then any obedient Army can be: Which I thus argue;
Vnity. Since Bodies compounded of diſtinct Members and Parts, ſuch as are Cities, Armies or Clocks, hence come to boaſt of their Unity. How much more ſhall theſe accoſt and approach to true and proper Unity, that are made up of like Parts, and maintained in their Order from a like Principle? Now if you will examine the occaſions and Unities of Seditions, ſurely it will appear, and you muſt confeſs, That a Seditious body is better governed then another made up of divers parts. But becauſe no leſs to the Civil then to the Military the name of Sedition is given, not to go from my Text whereof Tacitus ſpeaks, I will confine my ſelf only to the Military. This then as much as the name teaches, is nothing elſe, then a Separation of one part of the Army from the reſt of the Body on purpoſe to obtain by force ſomething from the the Commander. Now, if 'tis ſaid of an obedient Army (and tis well ſaid) That it is Governed, when upon the Word given, being put in order, it preſently joyns Battel with the Enemy: Much more ought we to ſay it (if we compare one4 with the other) of the Seditious. Let's come to the proof upon trace of ſome Maxims.
The efficient cauſe of an Army may be entituled the General, for as Order is the ſoul or form of that Army, ſuch Order comes produced from no other then the General, who like an Idaea contains it. A Seditious Body too hath a Commander that will excellently govern it, becauſe it will yield moſt eaſily to be governed, being all of one mind like him they have choſen; and much more, becauſe their own good is the very ſame with the good of the Commander: A thing not ordinary betwixt the Army and the General. See Alexander conducting his Macedons through unknown, untamed and unpenetrable Countries; think you an equal profit accru'd to his Phalanges or Squadrons, as did to him? Surely no: He counted all their ſufferings Little, becauſe by them he became Great: his ſmall Body valued it not, ſo he might obtain the great World. For all their hungers and thirſts the unhoſpitable Rocks found his Tent furniſht with exquiſite Meats, and generous Wine to crown his goblets: whoſe bottoms being carved with the like Effigies of thoſe conquered Kings he took in his Victories, he delighted ſtill to drink them empty, more to tickle his Ambition then to quench his Thirſt. No, twas not ſo with his Souldiers; they Dyed to Immortalize him, and ſowed the Plains with their own Limbs, that he might reap the Palms thence budding. One only was in Purple, for which a thouſand wounded; one only Triumphing, for which a Thouſand Conquering. To Win only for him, they Loſt not only their own, but themſelves.
Hence from not being the ſame, the good of the Commander and the Souldiers, it ariſes, That though the final cauſe of him and them Unitely taken, may be called the very ſame, that is, the Victory; yet for all that, both the one and the others taken by themſelves, are drawn by ends too much differing one from another; whence after is derived that diſcordance of Cauſes, which is contrary (as I ſaid before) to the regulating of a thing which ought to be governed.
I ſhould loſe the day in wearying the Army, if I would go to ſhew by examples how differing the motives of Souldiers are in fighting: not with the Commander only, but compar'd even5 amongſt themſelves: Some brandiſh the Sword, not to win glory, but to gain gold. Others with an immoderate force weakens all the interprize; and to make himſelf the only one among them, comes to divide them. Others, only make ſtand, and face the enemy, becauſe he is too ſtrong behind their back, or becauſe they cannor flie, try to put him to ſlight. This man ſeeks not renown with his ſword upon the Foe, but his revenge upon a particular Enemy. Some deſtine their luſt to anothers wife, and for the plunder of a tender maid, value not the loſs of the whole Baggage. Avarize, Zeal, Diſdain, Fear, Ambition, Luſt, Rage and Raſhneſs, make a hundred factions of one Army. Elſe why do we read of Pompey for to animate his men, to run up and down, now comforting theſe with promiſes, then pricking them with reproof; now ſtirring up their hopes, then provoking their vigilance with the danger; ſometimes enflaming their covetouſneſs, with ſhewing the great booty in the adverſs Camp; then awaking their compaſſion, by telling of the miſery of their Country. Sure all this becauſe he knew there muſt needs be diverſe arguments to perſwade the ſame action to many, that have divers ends in the working it.
Now in a Mutiny the parts are all alike, as in a train of gunpowder, if in a moment but one ſpark fall upon one corn, it ſets fire on all, and runs to the very end, for no other cauſe, but that they are all alike. So the firſt will that flaſhes or gives fire in a Sedition, becomes at once the will to a thouſand breſts. Such is the conſanguinity and kindred of Minds! And certainly it muſt be ſo upon good reaſon, ſince the fear of the ſame Puniſhment, and the hopes of the ſame reward binds them in an undiſſolvable Tie. They will the ſame thing, becauſe there lives but one heart in many breaſts.
Knwoledg. But unity alone is not our argument, there are a number of other reaſons ſpeaking for us, as thus; Who ſights, will he not govern himſelf the better againſt the eneny, the more that he hath a perfect Knowledg of that Enemy? Surely yes. Now by whom is he beſt known, by an Army in the day of Battel, or by this Seditious body in the Quarrel? The Army oft fights againſt people of contrary Climates and Cuſtoms, and knows not whether their Flights be for Feare or for Stratagem; whether their Charges be out of Election or Neceſſity; or6 their preparations be in reality or appearance. Again, though the conditions and natures of the Souldier were cleerly known, yet on the other ſide how oft doth the way and nature of the Commander happen to be obſcure, who, if he deſerves that name, ought to order it ſo, that to his own ſhirt even his own thoughts muſt be concealed? It will happen then almoſt impoſſible for that Army to be well governed, when neither it, nor he that governs it, hath any knowledg of the enemies, or of their Captain.
On the other ſide, the enemy of a mutinuous body is as it were alwayes the very ſame, which before the ſedition was its Commander, that is to ſay, tis that, of whom by often and oft repeated proofs they know where are the ſtrengths, where the defects; on what ſide they are moſt expoſ'd, or moſt impenetrable upon aſſaults of others, whether there be matter of ſurprize, or of force. So for the Commander they mutiny againſt; they know his courage by many tryals in charges, his ſuffering in ſieges, his fortune in fights, and his diſcipline in his rigidneſs. Certainly, theſe that were well governed by him, are beſt of all taught to govern themſelves againſt him: Eſpecially, ſince mutinies happen for the moſt on that part of the Army, which the Commander knows beſt of all the reſt, that is to ſay, that part which is compounded of old Souldiers, becauſe they among all the reſt are highly ſtrong and ingenious, and well knowing to themſelves of their abilities to pretend to great things, and to complain with much juſtice, not obtaining conditions, which is no leſs neceſſary in moving ſeditions, then uſeful to be known in afterwards governing them, as tis fit.
Wit. But to paſs by the knowledg and courage of the Old Souldier, who hath defied well nigh a thouſand deaths to make his Commander glorious by his ſcars, give me leave for a witneſs of the third condition, which is Wit, to bring into the Field one Pretty proof hinted me by Tacitus, who tells, that Germanicus whilſt he made the Pile and Conqueſt of France, hearing of the ſeditious riſing in his Armies in Germany, ſwiftly in all haſt marches th•ther to quiet them. At this ſuddain flaſh of his imperial look (which ſerenely lightning made them to love him whilſt he terrify'd them)7 the ſeditious troops with humbled and relenting browes gave great ſignals of their repentance; nevertheleſs, ſo ſoon as he was enterd the Tents, they ſet up a cry, and ſnatching by force his right hand, under a ſhew of kiſſing it, thoſe decrepit Souldiers wrought ſo, that he muſt feel their empty and disſurniſht jawes with his own fingers. Cicero here with all his flame colours to figure out the motion of the affections ſo ſtir'd up, cannot ſpeak ſo much, nor ſo lively, as was ſaid by theſe pale and trembling lips in this their ſilence, who not being able to bite the hands, they embowelled themſelves into the marrow and midſt of their Generals heart. And thus was heard the dumb to ſpeak.
When never ſhall it be granted, O good Germanicus, to repoſe, till our ſepulcral ages obtain us our repoſe? Our jaws make witneſs what advances we are like to draw from ſo many Wars, and ſhall it not be permitted us, after we have loſt our bones, to lay up in ſafety the miſerable relicks of our body? What neceſſity ſo hard forces wretched mortals to live amongſt deaths, even until death? See now our ſtooping ſhoulders can bear no longer our weighty armes. See our dry hands, that infect our pikes with their palſie, can do no more then joyn themſelves in putting up ſupplicant deſires to thy mercy and compaſſion. Thus to be obſtinate to command heavy ſhadowes, rather living bodies under thy banners, is nothing elſe but an ingenious ambition not to make bloody fights, no, though we miſerably ſhould be cut all in pieces. Ah, grant us the dominion of our life, at leaſt, in a ſeaſon when we are to loſe it; ſecure that to us, when it can no longer ſecure thee. Is there no other death, but the Sword, poſſibly under the Romans? Thy Army will not be enervated, though it be not accompanyed with our falling age, which tires it ſelf in following it. The body will be the ſtronger, if the wither'd Members be cut off for unprofitable. This our deſire is the effect of a moſt happy Fortune, thy Partiſan: She will not be expoſ'd to the long carreer of thy noble toils and enterprizes, which ſhe foreſees, unleſs firſt in the place of thy worn Souldiers, you ſublitute and enroll freſh, young, and luſty.
8Now lets believe, if Wit knows to arm ſo ſtrongly the diſarmed mouths of the ſeditious with a ſilent eloquence, for to gain the good will of their Captain; it will alſo know how to govern the right hand when there ſhall be an occaſion to arm it for to ariſe fear in the Captain.
To theſe mild and aged Mutineers, their General was their Glory, and their delight: But, had he been one hated by the ſeditious, or did they begin to loath and grow weary of the State that imploye; them (a State ſuppoſe declining too, which ſnatches and catches at all things as dying men do; or as thoſe do that are about ſuch; or be•t a State in ſwadling cloathes, whoſe tender roots facilitates its removall) how fierce and bold would theſe have then been? You would quickly have ſeen their daring forehead backt with a wellhung tongue, and their audacities ſeconded by this language, not making their Addreſſes to the Commander, but encouraging one another: Thus,
We, whoſe victorious Swords uſ'd oft to give life to others, lets now give breath to our ſelves. Once ſuch was our love to the Cauſe, and liking to the Commander, that 'twas our wearineſs to be at reſt, and yet we repoſ'd in wearying our ſelves; 'twas our love to be upon duty, and we were in pain and labour, if that we labour'd not; we have been hitherto amorouſly ſeditious to have•ad every one the firſt place in dangers, and the laſt in repoſe, thus quarreling, to ſhew that love hath its civil Wars no leſs then hatred. But now the caſe is altered, and what thanks have we for all our labours? we have been cajol'd, trapand, cheated, moulded, outed, diſplaced; fallacies and lyes are lookt upon as glorious arts, theſe are the State Stratagens, only they deſerve not that name becauſed uſed ſo often; we fight under Colours indeed, tis not ſubſtance; all promiſe, no performance: Where are our Arrears? muſt we that ſpend our lives for others rights be the firſt muſt be without our dues, and for our Conqueſts be made ſlaves in this to ſerve without pay? upon all deſigns how often have they promiſ'd us all that was behind, and muſt word be broke with us, who in honour ever keep it with an enemy? muſt they advance themſelves by keeping us low? Our Maſter Mountebanks makes no more of us then Zannies,9 we are cut and run through, while they vent their cheating Balſomes, and thus heal and ſalve their own poverties, pretending to cure the grievances of the People. But our Arreers! Fellow-ſouldiers! Mony is our life; we may well keep a life for that, for which there's I one but ventures to looſe it. Mony! tis that that gives us ſtrength in the day of Battel; this Balſomes our ghaſtly wounds, and ſtocks our exhauſhed Veins with a better recruit then our own blood. Tis but honeſt then, and juſt for us tomutiny for that which makes all the World almoſt knaves; who ſhall call this ſedition? tis but a nobler way of petitioning for right, which our Grandees and Republicans have as often countenanc'd, as their deſigns had occaſions, tis they have taught us this abominable way of cure, to owe health to a diſeaſe, and recovery to witcheraft. Come, the Camp's our common Pleas, and the Sword our Advocate; once Courts were held under Oakes, and we may as well keep them in the Field. Nor, need we fear, where the moſt are, all will be; in Lamps, the Oyl ſtill runs to that place that is burnt, and ſpirits to the part aggrieved. Come, if we can't over come, we can't be overcome.
But indeed a diſcontended Army can never want matter whereby to vent its paſſion, eſpecially when they have a reſolution to disband, and find their rewards not anſwerable to their ſervice. Balaams dull Aſs in his own defence became a Demoſtheres. Had then a ſeditious body but a trooping Jeſuite for their mouth, that Spirit Legion, that enters into pay, with purpoſe to play the Divel in a State, how would his eloquence like Gunpowder ſet all on fire? how would his Rhetorick diſcover the unfortunateneſs of Souldiers, and the ungratefulneſs of thoſe that imploy them; who can't be thankful enough, doth uſually become unthankful; which is no better then a moral rebell. Beſides, the Souldier they cannot love, becauſe they fear him; for he that hath a Power to give, ſhews therein alſo a power to take away, which ſavours ſomewhat of that frightful word Superiority. But one may read a Souldiers deſtiny in the Heavens; wherein are Bears, Dog, Scorpion, Hydea, Goat (nay Caliſtus and Ariadne, who were not ſo honeſt as they ſhould be) and below their feet is valiant Achilles placed, and other Demi-Gods. 10Sad fate, to ſee Beaſts and Monſters above Men, and they that have ventured higheſt to be loweſt ſet by. See the great Hannibal at laſt by a factious Senate thrown into exile. Scipio too, fon being too much regarded, became to be ill lookt upon: He who had conquered Africk the mother of Monſters, at his return found greater Monſters in Rome, accuſers that condemned him as guilty; of what? of that onely which makes Envy repining; and thus the great Commander baniſhes himſelf, changing his Sword into a Spade, his Horſe into Oxen, his Trenches into Furrows, his Victories into Harveſts; from a Souldier he turns Husbandman: No heading an Army now like to the Plough-tail. This advantage hath a great Mind above a great Heart.
Ungratefull State! the very Tanker-bearers have their ſeaſons when they bedeck their Conduits with Garlands and Boughs, in thanks of the Water they draw from them. The Ocean too renders the received waters of the Rivers unto the Earth in miſts and Showers; and Kings by their Nobles return to the People all that they ſuckt from them: But Common-wealths-men, like thoſe two Monſters Soylla and Chanybdis, the one breaks the ſhip and ſcatters the lading, and the other ſwallows all up. Or perhaps this is learnt from the greaſie Dutch, who in his frolicks firſt drinks the Glaſs and breaks it. Thus they of old adored the Images of the Gods, and cared not for the Artificers that made them; thoſe Stones were honoured as Divine, and their Makers were trod upon as Stones. Or if it chance that the Intereſſ•does do honour the Souldier, tis but as the Heathen did their Goddeſs Fever, that he may not be their Enemy. Alas! the Souldiers intereſt is the leaſt concerned, and the leaſt lookt after, who are onely made uſe of as ſtirrops to advance the ambitious, and then they are thrown aſide, or tranſported abroad like old Iron. They ſeek to him onely for themſelves; for their own profit, not his good; juſt as we ſearch for Phyſical Herbs, not to make much of them, (though much be made of them,) but onely to chop and bruiſe and ſqueeze them, and all the good juyce and virtue being drawn out, as Coriſca ſpeaks in Paſtor fido,— they are ſtraight to the Dunghil thrown,So when they have done with us, with us they have done.
Great Mens palates run after new diſhes, being ſoon cloy'd with the firſt. So the affections, which are the palate of the Soul,11 in our Governours quickly loath and nauſeate even that which foſter'd, nouriſh'd, and gave breſt to their Greatneſs. Nay, tis well if it ſtops here, ſince Nero ſcrupled not the murther of his Mother, that ſought all ways to raiſe him. We know too, that nurſing Fathers have had the like Fate, and ſome may fear that our mother Countrey will hardly ſcape their Anatomy.
Thus you may ſee now a tongue can ſound to Arms, and with its Oyl put an edge to the Sword, and make it look young again; ſo that a Commander dreads more the witty Souldier, then the ſtrong one.
But ſome one riſing againſt this, will ſay, That Sedition is reckon'd among the evil and wicked things, which ſcarce appears how they conveniently ſhould know to be governed, eſpecially being one of thoſe, whoſe nature is no other then confuſion, diſturbance, immoderateneſs, in ſum, all that which is directly oppoſite to Rule, Government and Order. Now admitted, that Sedition be an evil thing; I anſwer, that of many things that are evil, becauſe the end propoſed is evil, yet it cannot for all be ſaid, that they know not how to be rul d and govern'd, ſince they know fit and appoſite means for obtaining this end. Piſiſtratus was wicked, and Caeſar wicked in aſpiring to the Tyranny of their Countrey; yet in ſurmounting to the deſigned Poſt, none can deny, but that they knew moſt excellently how to govern themſelves. On the other ſide, who looks on Cicero, who endeavouring all wayes with the Senate to throw the Generalſhip of the Army upon young Auguſtus, came to make him Monarch by the very ſame way, which he believ'd ought to have made him the renewer of the Republick; he, I ſay, may well affirm that he was a good man, but again he will ſubjoyn, that the good men are themſelves ſometimes governed unadviſedly. In like manner, I grant that Sedition ſounds in its title Confuſions, Quarrels, Revolutions; what then, ſhall not the Seditious know to be governed? This is falſe: And my Reaſon I will tell you, with an Example in my opinion moſt conducing. Sedition in an Army, is ſuch a thing, juſt as a Fever uſes to be in a mans body; for both are compounded of thoſe bad humours, which are working and fermenting to give aſſault againſt Head and Heart: Certainly, who looks upon this poor Ague-man, ſees nothing but diſcompoſures, turbations and confuſions, that are paſt repreſenting. He flings a thouſand ways his legs, his Arms,12 his hands about his bed, as if he deſired to fly, and to be rid of himſelf: His head goes to find his feet, and his feet riſe where his head was; the fire makes him deſire cold, and the cold makes him mad to run to the fire; he is weak, and his weakneſs forces him to marvellous violences; he rages, he languiſhes, he threatens, he knows not what to ſay, and ſays more then he knows; he knows not what he ſees, and ſees not what's before his eyes; he is himſelf for his pain, and for feeling it, he is not himſelf. Who ever ſaw ſuch a Babel? And yet theſe inward and ſeditious Humours, which make the Sick-man not to rule himſelf, do ſo wonderfully govern themſelves in their aſſaults, that the Hippocrates and Galens amazed cannot tell how theſe material and groſs Humours ſhould obſerve in their Paroxyſmes and fits ſuch exactneſs of days, and ſuch proportions of progreſſes, which would be enough to ſpring from a rational power, working by counſel and election. Nay for comfort to the Seditious, ſome will ſay, That an Ague too moſt an end will have its courſe, in ſpight of all Doctours, and their Jeſuites powder; beſides, that ſometimes 'tis Phyſick for a King.
But here I find that Caeſar is againſt me. How (ſays he) can it be ever true, that Mutinies (even in their greateſt vigour) ſhould be governed with good rule, ſince that flying cloud, ſo proudly towring to ſee to, will diſſolve it ſelf at the leaſt breath; nay, at the firſt brow of the Majeſty of their General, they level and lay down their ſwellings for the moſt part: And this their Calm is their Shipwrack. Where was there a more enraged Sedition, then when I returned out of Spain, which ſtirred up all my Armies Legions againſt me? Then with united and loud voices they required me to recompence with Money the Bloud they had loſt, or to grant them liberty to keep that which was remaining. They were ambitious too, to ſhew, that in War the Head depends more from the Hands, then the Hands do from the Head. Perhaps my men had not all the good qualities of an excellent Seditious; yet, they were ſuch old Souldiers, that their battels numbred all the Provinces of the Weſt, and 'twas their nature ever rather to fight, then diſcourſe; they would run into dangers with the ſame lookes that others came out of them; they were ſo ſtout, that I could ſee my Victories in their eyes, before ever a Sword drawn; they were of ſo much knowledge and wit too, that had I been leſs then I was, you might have ſeen13 a glorious Army of all Commanders. And yet at the ſetled undaunted undauntedneſs onely of my look, at the generous fire of my anger, and at the giving them my ſcornfull leave to disband; as if my eyes had been the nerves of their hands, and the edge of their ſwords, as if I had been able to move them with my beck, they all in ſpight of their teeth, trembling and mute, ran into the Camp, and yielded themſelves, and with one accord aſſured me, not onely their own hands to my future enterprizes, but for a preſent puniſhment offered their own throats. Thus Bees with animoſities enrag'd, caſt but a little duſt, they are ſtraight aſſwag'd. And ſhall we now ſay, that that is well governed, which fals to ground ſo eaſily? that order is good, which in an inſtant is diſcompoſed? that thoſe Wills are regularly directed toward their end, which in a moment change boldneſs into fear, force into weakneſs, and haughtineſs and fierceneſs into puſilanimity?
Though Ceſar hath ſpoke as he Fought, Bravely and Galantly; yet I doubt not for all this fierce re-encounter but to keep the ſaddle: My reaſon this; To be eaſily changed from one eſtate into another, is not a ſign that that was not well grounded at the firſt, which is now changed. 'Tis a well manag'd Horſe on which the Cavalier with full carrear runs at the Ring; and yet but one light trip throws both himſelf and Ruler over and over. Nay the Facility, after that the Sedition is ſpent, and the Souldiers turn to the obedience of their Commander, proves moſt ſtrongly, that it is beſt of all govern'd whilſt it continues. For the Souldiers then Revolting are put in a violent eſtate, it being their Natural to be quiet and complyant under obedience of the Captain. Now 'tis very true, That things in a violent eſtate cannot hold long; yet therefore tis not true, That they cannot for that time they do hold be much better governed, then they would ever have been in their natural ſtate. This ariſes from that Inſtinct which is implanted in every thing, to deſire ſelf-conſervation: whence the greater the dangers are, the greater guard and warineſs is awakened in him that is in peril; and thereupon the violent State, arming all its forces againſt the being of a thing, is the cauſe that for its own ſafety, Head and Hands, Action and Councel are laid together to effect all how it may be beſt governed. Thus in the Water which is not our Sphere, one governs his Feet and Arms with a finer rule of motion, when he ſwims, then when he paſſes along in the water. So the fellow that dances on the Ropes, he balances himſelf perfectly, that neither eye nor hand, nor any part ſhall leane one tittle beyond the Cock or Poiſe; but after he is come down to the ground, he forms his ſteps by chance,14 and without any examination. And truly neither the one nor the other can ſtay in the Aire or Water long, ſo as upon the ground; yet one by his Swimming may arrive to what he intended to come to, and the Rope-dancer be a gainer by his perril.
Government. But whileſt I conſent that ſedition is ſhort, I hardly may be thought to tell truth (which is my ſcope) if I ſhould overmuch enlarge my ſelf to treat thereof; ſince the truth of a Writing conſiſts in being conform'd to the nature of the thing whereof tis writ. Ile wind up therefore with this ſeaſonable advice, That ſedition cannot be counted ſuch an evil thing, where the action may produce any good. A bad tree cannot put forth good fruit. If Rebellion be the Law of Nature, which may juſtifie it ſelf with a ſe defendendo; Mutiny ſure then may virtuouſly demand its dues or disbanding. He that bid the Souldier be content with his pay, did not bid him to be content without it. Nay, if Conſcience were a Military term, ſuppoſe that ſhould alter the mind, and make men ſee that horrid madneſs, which pluckt the Sun out of its Sphere, becauſe ſome men had ſore eyes. Where Sophiſtry and cheat hath made us go out of the way, tis lawfull to reſume and go back to our firſt Argument, and leave off thoſe errors, which others have made us guilty of to conceal their own faults. The great Phyſitian retracted his errors concerning the ſutures of the head; and is it unjuſt for us to recant thoſe about the diviſions, divorces, nay ſeparation of the Head. For Truth and Juſtice every ſtone may be ſtirr'd: The curing of thoſe that are bitten with Tarantulas, is to play ſo many tunes till they find the true one. That miſerable diſeaſe, called Hydrophobia, where the party is tormented both with thirſt, and fear of the water, his ſpeedy cure is to be flung over head and ears in the water; ſuch a ſort of Phyſick would heal our madneſs. You know my meaning. Since Fogs and Miſts are uſual in the counſels of Providence; ſomething may be ſometimes undertaken, where there is little encouragement. Tis not a ſhame to be overcome, where tis a ſin to overcome; nor is it unhandſome that any ſhould be ſubmitted to him, whom Law and Nature hath advanced above all. Conſider but Jupiters complaint to Menippus, That men ſince the upſtart and unknown Gods, they were diſreliſhed with him, ſo that he who formerly could hardly open his eys for the great ſmoak of the noble Hecatombs, now without any honour left, did almoſt die with hunger. See but what noble blood runs up and down begging and for god ſaking it almoſt, and compaſſing the earth to and fro, that they eat, not (as the Itinerant Devil or Miniſters ſo much propoſed) that they may devour. If you have not then abjur'd your Reaſon and Conſcience,15 and reſolv'd alſo to rebel againſt the Light, you cannot but face about, and be as you were, returning again to your old Conſtitution. When we depart from a wonted Cuſtome, infallible Hippocrates tells us, our underſtanding is taken away. I do not here intend to be an Advocate of Monarchy; there is no ſuch Magnetiſm in my Reaſon, as to be able to draw Abettors, or to warp your affections to a cloſing with that Government: Yet fince you know the vergency and inclination of the Nation, whoſe heads are troubled becauſe they want their Head, it cannot but be your intereſt to ſide with them. Thus like Hercules you may aſcend Heaven by your ſlaughter: otherwiſe you are but licenſed — to ſay Souldiers ſays all; and though you kill by Authority, yet you murder, becauſe you do it for Gain and Pay mſto, and make Religion but the Pander of your prey and plunder. Conſider then but our late Governors: One with the ſophiſtry of his tears, and arts of inſinuations, cajold and cheated all parties. The others, what Marriots of mens Eſtates have they been? Their covetous hungers were like the eating Ulcers or ſore legs that Beggars uſe to expoſe to us, which are uſually the worſe for our charity, or never the nearer mending. But what's become of theſe Legiſlators? You have pared off theſe Wens or Kings-evil of their Countrey, (for ſo Tully calls vile and inconſiderate men,) and this collection of Humours you have worthily diſcuſſed, becauſe they would not draw to a head. As Job ſpeaks, A ſtorm hath hurled them out of their place: They were driven forth from among men, who cried after them as after a thief, and hiſt theſe Saltim-banks off of their Stage. Give me leave now to talk a little Scripture to you, who think you have the Monopoly of holineſs, and count your ſelves of the ſect of the Saints. You know how Aſa was cenſured for relying upon the Phyſicians, when he ſhould have applied himſelf to his Lord. So the Bloud-iſſue woman ſpent all upon them, and had ſpent more perhaps, if ſhe had had more to ſpend; yet ſhe could never be well untill ſhe laid hold upon the Lord. No doubt theſe State-leeches that you ſo much idoll'd, cannot heal our diſtempers. Theſe Excellentiſſims, whom ye ador'd and lookt on as the All-heal, the Altaheſt, and univerſal Medicine: theſe have been the bane, the poyſon, and ruine of the Nation. A Parliament of late days being but Pandora's Box, iſſuing out our confuſions, and miſeries, and woes. They are all Phyſicians of no value. Tis your true Lord that muſt be entertain'd and embraced, and he will remedy all; tis he alone that will heal the grievances of all, but thoſe that have deſir'd rather Eſau's bleſſing to ſhake off the yoke.
16For popular Government, let him that deſires that form ſet it up firſt in his own family; there can be nothing but confuſion therein, ſince the people underſtand not reaſon, and for authority and perſwaſions they diſpiſe it; vox Populi vox Dei, was never underſtood of Iſonomy or levelling. I think I ſpeak no Riddles: yet I am not of that Church, whoſe Intereſt tis ſaid deſires moſt a King. I will not diſpute that point, but I much ſuſpect it: A Loyoliſt ſure can never be Loyal, and they that have given themſelves up to their conduct cannot wiſh cordially the Royal return. Confuſions in the State is meat and drink to them, who Nero-like are well pleaſed to warm themſelves at our ruins. Hence they derive their name from Jeſus, becauſe they alſo came into the World not to ſend Peace, but the Sword; to ſet Kingdomes on fire, or to prolong the flames, not to extinguiſh and out them; whence perhaps the foreſeeing God-father chriſtned their Founder Ignatius. Obſerve ſince ſo much of the Sea of Rome hath been powred in upon us, have not the Waters gone over our head, and ſtruck it off too? what a deſign and deſtruction, and even abominable deſolation happened upon us? See what garboils and diviſions they wrought in the State of Venice, where tis ſaid too, that they divided the very Boys, not ſo much by their inſtructions, as their inſtruments. Think we to thrive better? Beſides how can theſe deſign or work for the regal Reſtauration, who undoubtedly comes not in without his Clergy. That Clergy is the ſalt of the earth, and the throwing down this ſalt hath been the occaſion of all our miſfortunes, and the reaſon too that the God of flies hath blown and tainted here all fleſh almoſt with Hereſies, Villanies, and Rebellion. But I have done: You have my Mite, which I hope may be as acceptable to you as Taxes: If the diſcourſe hath any countenance of reaſon, look not you with a bad one upon it. I go not about to decoy you into your loſs; my drift is your glory and your good, who ſince you have been counted their Journy-men and Hirelings, 'tis but juſt you ſhould look out for the beſt Wages. Now to do good to give to Caeſar what is his, and to do as you would be done unto; theſe are things by which you will gain moſt. Thus you may merit a Crown above, and the White Robe, which is better far, then a Red•oat.