An Anſwer of the States-General of the United Provinces, To the Memorial of the Extraordinary Ambaſſadour of Sweden, Relating to a PEACE.Thus Concluded in the Meeting of the High and Mighty Lords, States-General, in the Hague. Novemb. the 17th, 1674.
THE States General of the Ʋnited Provinces having ſeen and examined the Memorials of the Heer Ehrenſteyn, Ambaſſadour of the King of Sweden to this State, which was delivered to them on the 28th of Auguſt, and the 24th of October laſt: Have found themſelves obliged to return him this Anſwer, That they had hopes, that the Anſwer which they returned to him the 25th of July laſt, was ſufficient to ſatisfie the whole World, that They with their Allies have always had, and yet have, a ſincere and good Inclination to a laſting Peace; And therefore it was not needful to uſe any more Arguments to perſwade them to that to which they are ſo much Inclined, and have done their uttermoſt Endeavour. Yet their Lordſhips do find themſelves highly engaged to his Majeſty of Sweden, for his great Zeal and Endeavours to turn a Deſtructive War into a Peace; And that they will not be unmindful upon all occaſions to give real Demonſtrations of their Thankfulneſs to his Majeſty; And alſo upon all occaſions acknowledg the good Offices and Endeavours which the foreſaid Ambaſſadour hath done to the ſame End. But this State would willingly have been diſpenced from giving any more Arguments; the World being ſufficiently ſatisfied of their Peaceable Inclinations; eſpecially, conſidering what they had done in their former Anſwer: But conſidering the foreſaid Ambaſſadour, in his foreſaid Memorials, ſeems to ſuſpect, That the Arms of this State, with thoſe of their Allies,2 do ſeem to ſet backward the Peace, and redound to the Prejudice of ſome Princes and States, eſpecially in Germany; For which Reaſon their Lordſhips do find themſelves abſolutely obliged to Reiterate to the foreſaid Ambaſſadour, That it cannot be Imputed to Them, as being the Cauſe of the preſent War, and of the Calamities that proceed from thence; And all the World muſt know, That it did not a little trouble them, when his Majeſty of France was pleaſed to turn that Affection which his Majeſty and his renowned Predeceſſors have had for this State, into Anger and Indignation; And therefore they hope his Excellency will be pleaſed to conſider, That this State at that time gave their Allies and Friends, as alſo His Majeſty of Sweden, to underſtand the Fear they had of the War which His Majeſty of France would Declare againſt them; For which reaſon they have done their uttermoſt by all their Friends and Allies to divert His Majeſty from this his Intention: Declaring alſo, That with good Conſcience they could ſay, They did not know of any Treaty which they had made with His Majeſty which they had broken; And yet they are willing to give His Majeſty all Contentment and Satisfaction for any Offence they had Committed. But they were ſo unhappy, that all their Endeavours which they had done by His Majeſty, and all their Preſentations by Meſſage, were without Succeſs; And on the contrary, His Majeſty hath done his Endeavours to draw the Friends of this State into a War againſt them: So that this State leaves it to all the World to judg to whom this War, and all the Effects of it, are to be Imputed; and whether any thing of this War may be Imputed to this State, who have done all that was poſſible to continue in Peace with His Majeſty. And when it pleaſed God to give ſuch Succeſs to the Arms of His Majeſty, that this State was almoſt ſwallowed up, this State was not wanting in their Endeavours to be releaſed of this War, and to come to a Peace: But His Majeſty was pleaſed to propoſe ſuch hard Conditions, that they were forced to reſolve to continue in War, notwithſtanding the Dangers which did attend them. And when His Majeſty of Sweden was pleaſed, from a Generous Mind, for the good of this State, to preſent his Mediation to His Majeſty for the extinguiſhing of3 this War; His Majeſty was never pleaſed to explain himſelf in any Propoſitions for a Peace; or at leaſt thoſe that were propoſed were judged ſo Unreaſonable, that they were not to be accepted of. It is well known to all the World, That the Allies of this State did well foreſee, with Compaſſion, the Effects of this War. The King of Spain was the firſt, who not being engaged, that aſſiſted this State; and His Majeſty the Elector of Brandenburgh was the firſt that engaged with them as a Party; and His Majeſty the Emperor came in to the Treaty, to aſſiſt the foreſaid Elector; which was ſo ill reſented by His Majeſty of France, that the Spaniſh Netherlands ſuffered as much by the French Army before as after the War was Declared between the two Kings. His Majeſty fell alſo ſo heavy upon the Dominions of the Elector of Brandenburgh that he was forced to ſeek out for his own ſecurity. So that this State finding themſelves ſtripped of all Supplies of his Majeſty of Spain, and the Emperor, and Brandenburgh, and deſtitute of all Allies; So that it muſt be reckoned as a wonderful favour of God, that they being deſtitute of all Allies, and getting no Honourable Terms of Peace of His Majeſty of France, notwithſtanding a•〈…〉they ſhould enter into a nearer Alliance with the Empire, and Spain, and the Duke of Lorrain, there being no other way in the eye of Reaſon to help themſelves; So that the Reaſon of theſe Alliances muſt be retorted upon thoſe that were the Cauſe of them, and not upon the States. So that there is no Perſons of Honour, but will give Praiſe and Honour to this State, for their continuing faithful to what they have promiſed to their Allyes, who engaged themſelves with them, in the time of their Straits and Neceſſities; And the States are bound in faithfulneſs to declare, That their renowned Allyes have Declared as occaſion hath preſented it ſelf; and demonſtrated, that they are always inclined to a laſting and durable Peace; and that they had not the thoughts to ſeek the ſuppreſſion of others, further than related to their own welfare and ſecurity. And that all their Allies, in all their Treaties, have inſerted as a ſpecial Ingredient, the Preſervation of the Weſtphalia Treaty. So that it is no ſmall trouble to this State, that4 the foreſaid Ambaſſadour ſeems to ſuſpect, that this State with their Allies were of Sentiment to break the Westphalia Treaty, or to infringe the leaſt part of it, and thereby give his Majeſty of Sweden occaſion to ſtand up for the Preſervation thereof. For this State have formerly declared, and do now declare to the Ambaſſadour and Mediator, That they with their Allies were always ready, and now are, to give to His Majeſty of Sweden ſuch Security, that they do not intend any thing to the leaſt prejudice of the Weſtphalia Treaty, as he himſelf ſhall deſire of them, when His Majeſty ſhall be pleaſed to give them the like Security, that ſo all Suſpition of this nature may be taken away from each other.
This State muſt needs acknowledg, That they cannot apprehend why this Ambaſſadour and Mediator ſhould propoſe his Opinion, as that this State do ſhew the leſs Inclination to the Peace, by reaſon of the League which is lately made with the Elector of Brandenburgh, the Duke of Brunſwick and Luningburgh, they Imploying their Arms againſt his Majeſty of France; as though thereby the Peace was made the more difficult and that thereby the Arms of theſe tended to the oppreſſions of the Standen of Germany, and that thereby the Treaty of Weſtphalia would be in danger, of which His Majeſty of Sweden ſtands as Guaranteur. When-as indeed the foreſaid Alliance tends to no other end, but to come to a good and laſting Peace, and the preſervation of the Weſtphalia Treaty; it being the only thing the foreſaid Princes had in their eye in the making of this Alliance; ſo that the foreſaid Princes have the ſame thing in their eye as His Majeſty of Sweden hath ſo many times declared to have, having nothing in their aim but the Common Good; they pretending to nothing elſe in the Treaty of Peace, but a good and laſting Peace, and the preſervation of the Weſtphalia Treaty; having taken Arms for no other end than to preſerve the Emperor as Head of the Empire, and the Decrees of the Empire, in thoſe good and honourable Intentions for which they were made, they themſelves being Members of that honourable Body; ſo that it would ſeem very ſtrange to this State, That the Ambaſſadour and Mediator ſhould expreſs himſelf ſo ſuſpiciouſly in5 his foreſaid Memorials, with relation to this Alliance: If they were not fully ſatisfied of his upright and ſincere Intentions for the forwarding of a Peace, and of thoſe good offices which he hath done to that end; and that thoſe former expreſſions do only proceed from the fear that poſſeſſeth his mind, That the foreſaid Princes have only ingaged themſelves for particular ends; and that thereby the good work which he with ſo much trouble hath begun ſhould be retarded: But their Lordſhips now believing that the foreſaid Ambaſſador is now convinced, as indeed the truth is, That theſe Princes have only ingaged themſelves into theſe dangers, only to follow their Head and decrees of the Emperor, without reflection or relation to any particular Intereſt, but only to bring the Empire to a deſired Peace, and the differing parties to quiet again; do hope that the Ambaſſadour will think them worthy of praiſe and honour in this their good Intentions; and it is hoped His Majeſty will not ſtand in their way, but will, ſo much as belongs to him as a Mediator, add as much as can be deſired to the ſame〈◊〉This State〈◊〉very[?]〈…〉Allies cannot ſubſiſt in the Empire, without ſome prejudice to the Standen: But yet this State and their Allyes have done and yet do their endeavours to prevent all prejudice that might come to the Empire thereby; and to bring their forces into the lands of the enemy; but they cannot believe that his Majeſty of Sweden will look upon it as unreaſonable, and as a breach of the Weſtphalia Treaty, That the Emperor and the Princes thereof do uſe their Arms to force the King of France to go with his Army out of the Empire, and leave them in quiet, from thoſe many oppreſſions which they have ſo often felt; for otherwiſe the Empire would be leſt as a prey to thoſe that will but attack it: And this State ſuppoſeth, that not only they, but the whole World muſt judg with them, That the zeal of thoſe that ſeek to maintain their own freedoms, notwithſtanding the dangers that attend them, are worthy of great praiſe, and that ſuch a defence is permitted to all: But on the contrary it is a plain infringing of the Westphalia and Akens Treaty without conſent, nay againſt the wills of the Standen6 of the Emperor, and the King of Spain, to march with great Armies over the Lands and Juriſdictions of the Emperor, eſpecially thoſe that would not joyn with His Majeſty, or thoſe that ſeemed the moſt convenient for him to attain his ends, therewith uſing them as enemies, taking away, demoliſhing, or fortifying at his pleaſure ſuch Places as he thought good: And therefore with reaſon we may expect, that His Majeſty of Sweeden, as being Guarenteur of the Weſtphalia, and Akens Treaties, will ſhow his diſpleaſure againſt thoſe that were the Authors and diſturbers of the Reſt of Europe, by ſo needleſs, and ſo unrighteous a War as this is: Who having no regard to Treaties and Agreements, have brought the Empire, and their neighbouring Country into a flame; And that His Majeſty will not moleſt thoſe that ſtand up only in their own defence for the publick quiet, without having reſpect to any particular advantage of their own; in regard they have no other way left open for them. This State doth acknowledg with all thankfulneſs, and praiſe the goodneſs of the great God, that hath reſtored their〈…〉•nd hath releaſed them from a great part of this War, and do with nothing leſs than that they were wholly releaſed, and their Allies brought again to Reſt and Peace, in regard they by experience do know what it is to have the burden of a War: But this State do not know wherein they have been wanting in their endeavours, for the forwarding of the Peace; and are willing to be informed from the foreſaid Ambaſſador, not in general terms which cannot be anſwered; but in ſpecie, and in particular, what they could have done more; but this State ſuppoſeth, that they ſhould ſtand guilty before God and all the World, and that they could never anſwer it, if they ſhould not be faithful to their Allies in what they ingaged, who were ſtirred up by God to aſſiſt them in their troubles; and this only is the cauſe why they perſiſted, That the Duke of Lorrain's Agents ought to have paſports to appear at the place of Treaty, declaring that otherwiſe they could not proceed: And they ſuppoſe there is none that can ſay they did ill in this reſpect, for demanding that, to which they were bound to by Treaty, which is not7 denied to any: This being a Houſe which is reckoned for one of the Illuſtrious in Europe; and one, as His Majeſty hath many times declared, that he was willing to reſtore to his Country again: So that the retardment ought not to be imputed to this State with any reaſon, nor to any of their Allies, who in this reſpect have demanded nothing but what was reaſonable in it ſelf: But it muſt be imputed to His Majeſty of France, who hath refuſed a thing that is ſo common and cuſtomary, and yet perſiſted therein; whereby he evidently declares, he hath no intention to come to a Treaty of Peace. And what relates to the releaſe of Duke William of Furſtenburgh, which the Ambaſſadour inſiſts upon, His Excellency may take notice, That this State, nor none of their Allies, excepting thoſe whoſe Subject he was, had any hand in his Impriſonment, neither had they any knowledg thereof: But it ſeemeth ſtrange that this State ſhould be ſolicited to Intercede for a Perſon that openly vented againſt the Ambaſſadours of this State, and declared as a thing in which he much gloried, That he had been Fifteen years buſie to bring our Country into that Labyrinth in which at preſent it is involved; and that according to his own ſaying, he had been the Author of ſo much miſchief as was now brought to paſs, with the ſhedding of ſo much innocent blood as hath been ſhed, not only in our Country, but alſo in Germany; So that this State, and as they believe all Chriſtian Princes muſt look upon him as a diſturber of the common good, and that the great God hath not only righteouſly let him feel a Priſon, but may ſuffer ſomething elſe to fall upon him as a puniſhment for his moſt wicked deeds; of which he himſelf hath made his boaſts. And therefore it will be very unacceptable to peaceable men, That a Treaty ſhould be broke off for not releaſing ſo great a diſturber: And though this State would have been glad to have heard that His Majeſty of France had pitched upon a place of Treaty, requiſite for all our renowned Allies, or at leaſt that His Majeſty of Sweden had pleaſed to have done it, in regard they would not be willing to have this good work come to nothing; therefore this Ambaſſadour and Mediator8 may declare to His Majeſty of Sweden, That this State do leave it to His Majeſty to pitch upon what place he ſhall think beſt; whether it be Franckfort, Hamburgh, or Aken, where it was before, of which the foreſaid Ambaſſadour hath made ſo often mention; and that this State are well aſſured, That their renowned Allies will make no difficulty to ſend their Ambaſſadors to any of the foreſaid places; and deſire from our hearts, that any of the foreſaid places may be choſen, the ſooner the better; and that God would be pleaſed to bleſs the good intentions of His Majeſty of Sweden, and the unwearied endeavours of this Ambaſſadour, that they may carry away the honour and the glory, That by their endeavours Europe may be freed from ſo great a War, and brought to quiet again; to which end this State will contribute what is poſſible for them to do.
Thus concluded in the meeting of the High and Mighty Lords, States General, in the Hague. November the 17th. 1674.