THE TREATY AND ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN The Eſtates of Holland, the Prince of Orange, and Magiſtrates of AMSTERDAM.
WITH An exact Narrative of the chief Paſſages and Proceedings at the beſieging of the ſaid Town by the Prince of Orange; the manner of raiſing their Batteries, and 300 Piece of Ordnance mounted againſt the Prince's Army.
ALSO The diſcovery of a great Plot and Deſigne a-againſt the Towns of Delph. Dort, Medembleck, Harlen and Hoarn. With the Prince's ſeizing on ſeveral Lords of Holland, and commiting them priſoners to Loveſtein Caſtle.
London, Printed by J. Clowes, over againſt the lewer-Pump in Grub-ſtreet. 1650.
THe newes we have at preſent here, I ſhall impart to you. (as far as time will give leave.) About 2 or 3 months ſince, the Eſtates of Holland had ſome difference with the Prince of Orange, about caſ••ering or disbanding of forces, they deſiring that they might eaſe the people of their taxes, as the ot••r Provinces have (they alone paying about 60 g. per cent. whenas all the other 6 Provinces pay but the remaining 40 between them all) they complained much of their Officers, that they abuſed them by falſe Muſtering their2 Souldiers; for if they were allowed 60 in a Company, they would not keep above 30. and the reaſon was (the Capt. ſay) for want of current payment, being forct to make uſe of men called Soliciteurs to furniſh them with Money, who deduct above 20 or 25 Per. cent. for their disburſment. Now the Eſtates of Holland indeed, did not ſo much deſire to disband any Soldiers; but that the Companies being ſo ſmall, they might disband ſome Officers, and keep up all the Souldiers, and by caſhiering of thoſe Soliciteurs, and by managing the buſineſs well in paying the Souldiers currently themſelves, they would ſave 100000 pound Per Annum. The major Vote in the States General was, to ſide with the Prince, the one having a Brother a Soliciteur, a Couſen perhaps a Col. another friend a Capt. &c. and they petitioning them and the P. of Orange continually to be kept up, and not disbanded: reſolved they would live and dy with each other, (now you muſt take notice that all the States General did not give their Votes to this, but the Major part; for 2 or 3 Provinces have ſince proteſted againſt their proceedings) and then the Engliſh Cavelieriſh Col. and Capt. under his Command, with thoſe of the States General, (that had voted they ſhould not be disbanded) tickled him in the ear with many ſtrang things that they would do for him, and to curb Holland by the ſword, and to make him a Soveraign of theſe Countries, and certainly to effect this, he wanted none of Charles Stuarts Councel, nor of his mother Mall neither, for the Engliſh Malignants here did report tha•their deſign was a month ſince juſt as hereafter related. On the 20. June or there abouts, the Prince with his Colonels Capt. and other Officers, moſt Engliſh3 Malignants, with ſome Commiſſioners of the Eſtates General, went about to all the towns in Holland, where the Prince was nobly entertained as their Gen. but at Amſterdam, Delph, Dort, Medemcleck, Harlen & Hoarne, they would not give them audience in their publick Common-Councels, (in their Towns) not acknowledging the Commiſſions they came withall, ſo they gave them no content; the Prince with the reſt returned again to the Hague, where they were all as it were mad that they could not obtain their ends; remaining there, they ſtudyed day and night of a way how to obtain that by force, which (as they thought) could not be had with Love: So on Saturday laſt (being the 30. alias 20. July) the P. of Orange ſeized on 6 Lords of Holland as they were in full Councel, viz. one of Dort, one of Delph, two of Harlen, one of Horn, two of Medembleck and thoſe two of Amſterdam eſcaped; they were the next day all carried to a Caſtle near Gorcom called Loveſtein, being chiefly for a priſon, were none but traytors are put in. That ſame day viz. the 30. alias 20. July, the Prince gave Commiſſion for his Army to march out of Gariſon to Amſterdam; where on Saturday laſt in the morning, appeared 2000 horſe and 1000 foot; but being diſcovered by the Hamborough Poſt, the Lords of the Town were acquainted therewith, and command was given, the Gates ſhould be ſhut, and the Magazine being opened, about 300 pieces of Ordnance, was by the boys and labourers in the ſtreets drag'd up to the wals and Sconces, and Drums beat for the trained bands to be preſently in Arms, which was effected: as alſo the Souldiery that belongs to the Town, being about 5 or 600 were alſo in Arms, & kept ſtrict watch both at gates &4 walls, the ſame day a Company of their Soldiers with Carpenters went out, and cut down all draw Bridges, and got men of war in great number, to lye from Texel to the River Tye, for fear of forces to come in by Sea (as was reported) from Zealand, the mean time drums beat for to liſt Soldiers in the Town, and gave 15 ſtivers a day, and in 2 days time had above 12000 Souldiers in pay, on the Lords day they in the Town ſet open their ſluces, and drowned all the land round about, ſo that the Princes ſouldiery was forc't to keep on the bank-ſides, which were high; the mean time moſt part of all his Army came down thither both horſe & Foot, and laid ſiege to it; and in 2 or 3 places began to make works againſt it. Take notice that till the Lords day noone he himſelf remained in the Hague, and knew no otherwiſe but his men were got into Amſterdam: but when he heard the contrary, he was mad and ready to tare his hair off his head, and ſeeing himſelf thus deprived of his hopes in the deſign, he (like a Lyon robbed of her whelps) did ſo take on, and immediatly in perſon went to the leaguer; where in a rage, as before mentioned, he began to raiſe works, but to no purpoſe. The mean time, this town of Rotterdam ſtood nutral, and we expected every hour that ſome of his Souldiers would come and quarter upon us, but did not, and Dort, Delph, Leyden, Harlen and other Townes ſhut their Gates, and were in Arms. On Munday and Tueſday the Eſtates of Holland (conſiſting of one or two men out of each Town) met, and reſolved to ſend for him home, and the States Gen. ſeeing his deſign broke, they moſt of them fell off from him, and both ſent a Committee to him to Treat, and thoſe alſo of Amſterdam ſent to him, and on Wedneſday laſt they were agreed as followeth.
5That the Army ſhall again march to their quarters, and the town ſhall not be moleſted; but that trading may be free, and thoſe that were the cauſers of this trouble, ſhall give an account for it afterward; which ſhall be diſputed at the next meeting at the HAGUE.
It is my opinion, that though the buſineſs is appeaſed for the preſent; yet ſome heads will fly for it, and the P. himſelf, if his head remains on his ſhoulders, it will be well: however they all ſay, they will take a great part of his power from him. Certainly if he had taken AMSTERDAM, he would have made himſelf Soveraign of theſe Countries, to have made ſlaves of theſe people of Holland; His intentions were to have ſeized upon the Banck there, and the ſtock of the town, which is many millions. The people in general hate this odious deſign of his, and as well Magiſtrates as people ſay plainly, they may thank his brother Charls for this, and had he obtained his deſi•e, he had moſt aſſuredly curb'd the Eſtates of Holland for their friendly aſsiſtance or correſpondency, and would have bin very able to aſſiſt his Brother; but we may ſee much of God in this buſineſs, and I hope6 theſe Countries will make a faſter union with England then ever yet they have done. The Engliſh Malignants here, are ſad at this buſineſs, for they were in hopes, and were confidently aſſured had this deſign gone on, that their deſign alſo would be promoted by it. I have thus as near as I can, given you the relation of this buſineſs; for any other particulars, I refer you to Amſterdam Letters, Vale.
If the troubles had continued, I had ſent my wife & child to London per this paſſage now a going, per whom alſo many families of our Engliſh would have gone, all things being packed up in a readineſs; but now we ſhall wait to ſee what God ſhall farther do with us. Some of your Company removed their cloth to Zealand, for it was not here without danger; For a great many Companies of Souldiers were quartered at the Hague and we did expect them or others here, and the Malignants would have been favoured, but the better party burthened.
The Lord of Dort that was taken priſoner (by name De Witt) is dead, its thought poyſoned.
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