THE Rattel-head Ladies being aſſembled at Kattes in Coven Garden, and having ſpent ſome time in chooſing their Speaker, it having been objected againſt my Lady Dutches, that ſhe had uſed beating up of Quarters and other unlawfull ſports, ſo frequently met Prince Rupert, that at laſt, reſolved upon the Lady Iſabella Thyn, hoping thereby that their Acts might have greater influence upon the Kings Majeſty. Then they took into conſideration their own buſines, and Voted;
- 1 That no Roundhead dare to come into any of their quarters.
- 2 That on the contrary none of their members, Viz. Cavalry, do cohabite in any of the Roundheads quarters, or pay Contribute to them by way of benevolence or otherwiſe.
- 3 That thanks be given to the Lady Mountague, Penham, Craven, &c. for their courteouſie and favours to the diſtreſted Cavaliers beyond the Seas, Ordered thereupon, that the Lady Pope, the Lady Stanhope, have leave to ſell, give away, or otherwiſe diſpoſe of their French Commodities, without paying Exciſe or Cuſtome.
- 4 That Miſtris Philips be forth with ſent to France from this Houſe to acquaint the Lord Mountague how his Lady hath Negotiated with the aſſembly of the Houſe.
- 5 That Miſtris Gamlyns for the Proteſtants and Miſtris W•borne for the Papiſts, be approved Meſſengers to attend the Houſe, and that they have this title given them of the Meſſengers of the Chambers.
The ſaid Ladies in Parliament did declare, That by their firſt Votes of this day, did not any wiſe intend to exclude from their Quarters that part of the Houſe of Peers which Voted the Bill for the maintenance of the Army out of their Houſe, in that their ſaid Lordſhips are underſtood to be welaffected and not Roundheads.
Whilſt thoſe things were in aggitation, in comes a Sergeant from the Houſe of Ladies at Mrs Chips Aſſembled; In the name of which, he pronounced this unlawfull Aſsembly a Mungrel Parliament, commanding them to confine their Votes to their own Houſes, there to continue during pleaſure, Hidepark, S Jameſes park, Spring Garden, Kattes, &c. in any wiſe notwithſtanding.
This puts their Ladiſhips into greater diſorder and more confuſion then that they had been taken with their Gallants by all, and each of their reſpective husbands, which is the cauſe we hear no words of this Parliament.
The Ladies wel-affected being as you have heard aſsembl'd at Spring Garden, ſpent ſome time in chuſing their Speaker; the maior part pitching upon the Lady Holland, ſhe deſires to excuſe her ſelf, alleadging her husbans deſertion, and further deſired that all her Right might be confirmed upon the Lady Carlile, but the ſaid Lady being not thought fit to be truſted, the Lady Exon was named, but it was obiected by the Lady Hipsley, that the ſaid Counteſs was a Delinquent, and had formerly carried in ſupplies to the King, pretending that her husband Sir John Hipsley was much damnified in his eſtate and office by the ſaid ſupplies; but the Lady Salisbury coming in, the diſpute was ſoon ended, and the charges conferred with her (nemine Contradicede) who immediatly nameth M. Peel Meſsenger to attend the Houſe, and the Lady Wharton with the Lady Staplton to be Door Keepers, who were ordered to keep all out but Meſsengers: this was all aſsented to notwithſtanding ſome exceptions were taken at the slowneſſe of Mr Peels pace, it being aggrivated by one that ſhe went slower then the Maſters of the Chancery when they go on Meſſages.
1 Then their Ladiſhips taking in the firſt place into Conſideration the difficult cauſe that might fall out in the buſineſſe of their Houſe, Ordered, That Miſtris Doctor Witherburne be ſent from Holmby, and Miſtris Doctor Dariſon to be aſsiſtant to this Houſe.
2 Ordered further, That Doctor Hinton and Doctor Chamberlain be likewiſe aſsiſtant, that with greater ſecrecy and eaſe, their Ladiſhips may be helped out with their moſt troubleſome and preſsing affairs.
3 The Houſe then adjourned to the day following; and being met accordingly, the Firſt buſineſſe was to ſend the aforeſaid Meſſage to the unlawfull Aſsembly at Kates.
4 Next falling upon their votes in particular, Declared, that part of their Orders to be an abſolute breach of Priviledges, which find the Cavaliers entrance into the Roundheads quarters. And accordingly
5 Ordered, That the ſaid Cavaliers ſhall within two dayes depart this City, and ſhall not come within twenty miles the Lines of Communication. And further Voted,
6 That no Malignant Lady preſume to walk in Spring garden after 12 a clock at night upon any pretence or pretext whatſoever.
7 Next their Ladiſhips took into Conſideration the great number of Delinquents, Ordered, That there be a Committee for Compoſsitions to meet at the Lady Kents for the Proteſtants, and at the Lady Lakes for the Papiſts.
8 This day complaint was brought in againſt Sir Henry Blunt Knight, for publiſhing a Haeredicall dangerous Doctrin, (vix.) That it is better to converſe with, and to reſort to the common Woemen, then Ladies of Honour. Upon mature deliberation, whereto the Ladies with much indignation, ſent for him; he being come, and hearing his Accuſation of the Houſe read, was commanded to withdraw during the debate: Up ſtarts the Lady Foſter, and offers to the conſideration of the Houſe the dangerous effects that this opinion might produce, if that it be ſuffered to be ſown amongſt the people, to the after decay of Trade; as alſo of the particular convey of Rhemiſh Wine in the Mins-pies, Tarts, Cheeſe-cakes, Sillibubs, &c. whereby the profit of this Houſe wil be greatly deminiſhed: The Speech was delivered with marvelous applauſe to the whole Houſe, and the ſaid Sir Henry Blunt was called the ſecond time, where being commanded to kneel, refuſed, alleadging that Houſe was not lawfull Judicatory, but appealed to all the Commons of England, which ſuſpended all proceedings at that time.
9 The Houſe conſidering in the next place, that divers weak perſons have crept into places beyond their abillity, and to the end that men of greater abillity may be put into their rooms, apointed that the Lady Middleton, M. Dunch, the Lady Foſter, and the Lady Anne Waller by reaſon of their great experience of the Sonldry of this Kingdom, to be a Committee of Triers for this buſineſſe.
10 The Houſe being ready to adjourn, there comes news of a quarrell between two notorious members of this Houſe, Mris. Harris, and Mris. Dunch againſt the Common Enemy, viz. their husbands; it was at length ordered, That they ſhould be reconciled, and Tom Temple put up his Blade.
11 The morning following to take into Conſideration the ſeverall Garriſons of this Kingdom that were to be kept and what not, Ordered, That Norhton be kept a Garriſon, and that the Lady, Sunderland be requeſted to take the Command upon her, notwithſtanding the Self denying Ordinance.
12 That an Engliſh Garriſon be put into Carlile to prevent a Forraigne Nation getting the poſſeſſion thereof; and is to be feared by reaſon of ſome ſecret Intelligence had by the French Ambaſſador in that ſpace.
13 That Leiceſter, Newport and Marlbrough, and all other that are either old Fortifications or otherwiſe uſeleſſe, forthwith ſleighted. After this they took into Conſideration the ſtanding ſervices of this Kingdom and there ſeverall incertainties, and Ordered,
14 That the Lord Francis, Mris. Slingsby, Mris. Read, and Mris Jufton have pay allowed them, conditionally, that Hull be provided to draw forth upon ſervice at the leaſt warning.
15 That Col: Cook, Mris Cook, Mris Hen: Howard, Mris Barkers, and Mris Hewill have free quarter.
16 That the Prince Elector, Mris Gleſcoth, and Prince Griffith (henceforth) pay their Quarters.
17 That Sir John Morley be further paid for his Service to this Houſe, notwithſtanding his Delingquency, but ſo, if he break forth any more, he ſhall be irrecoverable at PUT in verdicto.
18 Ordered, That all ſuch Forces as ſhall be disbanded, be ſent for, Ireland or otherwiſe diſpoſed of out of this Kingdom.
19 Their Ladiſhips were then informed That a Meſſenge waited at the Door from the Houſe of Commons; and Sir. Peter Wentworth, and Mris-Bainton (who brought it) being let in, they found ill way for relief of maymed Souldiers, their Ladiſhips referred it to the Lady Peterborongh to conſider what relief was to be given to them, to whom they joyned Mris Nonard ſometimes Maid of Honour, ſhe hath purged her ſelf of her malignity.
20 The Houſe received divers reports from the Committee of Complaints: Firſt againſt the Prince Elector, who was accuſed he was not ſecret in his truſt to this Houſe, but ber•yed them in their ſervice, and inſteed of doing their buſineſſe did his own; the Conſideration of this, was put of till another time. And alſo another Accuſation againſt the ſaid Prince, viz. That he had deſerted his imployment: both brought in by the Lady Barrington.
21 The next was Four Articles brought in by Britanicus againſt Mris Wheeler for holding intelligence with the Enemy, who being found true, ſhe was voted to be Landreſſe to the Prince Elector.
22 The Thrid was an Accuſation againſt the Right Honourable the Lord Rich by the Lady Callyn, who pretended That ſhe had been plundered of Jewels and other Commodities by the ſaid Lady to the value of a 1000 l. but it being alleadged by the Lady Warwick, That it was done to one that had been Commander againſt this Parliament: This Accuſation was caſt out; then the Houſe adjourned till the next day.
23 The firſt buſineſſe this day was the Report from the Committe of Triers, who named in the firſt place, The Right Honourable the Earl of Denby to be a man of extraordinary abilities and parts, whereupon it was Ordered, That he be Commander in Chief of all the Standing Forts of this Kingdom, and that his head Quarters be in_____till the Houſe have further need of his ſervice.
24 Ordered, That the Lord Camde in regard of his great Tallent have a favourable Compoſition at the Lady Kents.
25 Ordered, That St Ambroſe a Politick Italian, he had in remembrance of his extraordinary paines to conſent this Houſe, and that when the affairs of this Kingdom shalbe ſettled be put into the Dutchy Office, and in the meane time, becauſe what he had before did not content him, he be ſatisfied out of the Whitbies commonly called Mrs Hills Arrears which are forfited to the State.
This buſineſſe being over, up ſtarts the learned and well-affected Lady, the Lady May, and moved that publick Faſts might be imploring a bleſſing upon mens conſtant affections to the houſes, as alſo to ſtop the vantagious affections that are now crept in amongſt us, and like to over ſpred us all if not ſpeedily ſtopt.
The Ladies in the next place taking into ſerious conſideration the great decay of Catel in this Kingdom, thought the ſafeſt means for remedy to ſee their Ladiſhips ſending as they did to the houſe of Commons to intreat that ſome of their members might joyn with them to conſider of the ſaid things.
A Committe to debate & conſider the fitteſt means to mnltiply and recruit the ſaid Beaſts to whom they gave theſe following inſtructions.
1 That they ſhall intreat all or the moſt part of the Morlies in England, and other men of that ſtamp to marry.
2 That all ſuch men, either priſoners or freemen that have vowed never to cut their beards till his Majeſty comes to LONDON be incouraged therein.
3 That Maſter Sabra be intreated & in the name of this houſe be therein uſed to return for ſome further time to his Concubine here notwithſtanding his wife be alive in Geneva, for that Geneva hath not any ſuch urgent neceſſity of Multiplication as this Iſland.
The houſe took into conſideration the ſaile of Delinpuents Lands, and Ordered, That maſter Harriſon have for his faithfull ſervice the Earle of New-Caſtles baggage, as alſo the Lady Devonſhire have Worceſter houſe, notwithſtanding the Votes of the Houſe of Weſtminſter in favour of the Earl of Salisbury that her Ladiſhip may be preſent with leſſe trouble at her ſerions Negotiations with the Scots Commiſsioners.
This day a Petition came from the Lady Stanhope, humbly deſiring ſhe might be received into the Houſe, pretending, that ſhe was well affected, but that a Scotiſh affection mingled with feares, would never make a well affected Lady; & was further alleadged, That the ſame Lady had bin in Armes under Colonel Slingsby, but ſome friend apcars in her behalf & ſaies it was Maſter Slingsby, he was ordered to be ſent up for by this Houſe, the debate was put off till another time.
A motion was made for the putting down of Playes, whereupon the Lady Monmouth ſtood up and deſired it might be explained, what Plaies was meant; foraſmuch as it ſhould put down the Playes, it might procure much to the providence of the Houſe, as alſo for Miſtris Young who had deſerved well of their Lordſhips, but anſwer being made, Stage plays were only underſtood, ſhe declared that ſhe could concur with the Houſe; in that Sr John Sucklin was denied, but ſhe liked his play well.
It was moved by the Lady of Complaints, that a Thankſgiving day might be appointed for the recovery of the Earl of Pembrook, which was conſented to: Mr Caldnot deſired to preach, and ſay the ſame in Engliſh and not in Hebrew. Ordered, Thanks be given to Maſter Robinſon for his Sermon and devoute prayers that the ſaid Lord might once more clime up May Hill.
The Houſe appointed Committees to move His Majeſty, Viz. The Lady Oxford, Stamford, and the Lady May to move his Majeſty, and to gaine his heart and Royal aſſent, that ſo a happy Union might be wrought.
This done, there was an Act of Oblivion prepared for the Lady Delketh, the Lady Katherin Scot, the Lady Antrime, and Mris Rotter for Delinquencies in the Enemies quarters; ſoon after the Lady Norton Doore Keeper to the Houſe, complains of Sir Robert Harlow, a member of the Houſe of complaints for attempting to deface her; ſhe the ſaid Lady being a zealous Independent and ſo one of the Saints: And Sir Robert having found out that ſhe was likewiſe painted, ſhe pretended ſhe came into his Ordinance, viz. Idolatry and painted Croſſes, &c. But ſome friend of the ſaid Lady urging in her behalf, That none did ever it attempt to adore or worſhip, ſhe was juſtified; and the Ladies thereupon declared, That if any perſon by vertue of any power whatſoever pretended to be derived from the Houſe of Commons, ſhal go about to impeach, hinder, or diſturbe any Ladies from painting, waſhing, and adoreing of her ſelf to her beſt advantage; and alſo from platting of her hair, that Act is a breach of priviledge of this houſe, and that the offender ſhall be proceeded againſt.
In the laſt place the Ladies being to adjourn for ſome weeks, deſired Firſt, That the name Paint in divinity might be firſt deſired, & what is meant by the word due benevolence in the new Teſtament, & the Order thereunto they ſend to the Miniſters of the Aſſembly, intreating them to make ſome Declaration concerning the ſame: The meſſenger found the ſaid aſſembly buſie about their own affairs, indeavouring to bring the Text (Kiſſe the Son leaſt he be angry) to prove the Presbitery; Yet underſtanding their Ladiſhips requeſt, they left off preſently and fell upon the debate of the (benevolence,) which I do not intend to ſet down particularly, it being not to be found in the Ladies Journall, only, That all and every man coupled to the bond of matrimony and wedlock is ingaged to content his mate, and fill one ſeller — as oft as his ſtrength and conſtitution of body wil poſsible permit, their Ladiſhips having received this their direction, deſired, That they would make it Jure divino, and publiſh it, that no husband in the Country may extend Ignorance: but their Holineſſe made this enſuing Cannon.
It is by theſe preſents decreed and declared to all the world, That all men are obliged to comfort their wives as often as their ſtrength of body ſhall give them leave, and though they ſhall extend it ſtands not with their buſineſſe, that they be obliged thereunto, upon penalty of being debarred the Sacrament, of which we hope to have the Monopoly.
This day following in the Evening, this Deeree being brought to their Ladiſhips, they Ordered, That the Speaker of their Houſe ſhould give thanks to the ſaid miniſters of the aſſembly of Divines for their great care and pains in reforming this Kingdom, and in particular, for this preſent Declaration; after which they Ordered thoſe their Votes to be Printed, and ſo adjourn till further time.